The Brandy

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Coming to my senses, I am vaguely aware of the warm body holding me tightly. My eyes flutter open to see Dawn peeking through the flimsy metal office blinds. Clutching my side tighter, Anna begins to stir from her sleep.

"Good Morning," I whisper into her hair. She blinks profusely, confused.

"Good Morning," She croaks as she begins to sit up.

"Everything okay?" I tuck her some of her messy hair behind her ear. She nods and I notice Peter groaning and stretching.

Drako sat perched in the office chair, unfazed and wide awake.

"Game plan," Dawn tears herself away from the window.

"Firstly, we don't really know if the whole school is safe yet," She stares each of us in the eyes intently. "Secondly, our objectives. Essentials. Food, water, weapons. We're survivors now. Drako stays here, keeping watch. We go out, the four of us, and stick together. We find a means of communication and we find some form of weapons. Once we complete those objectives, we'll split up. Me and Peter, and Chris and Anna. We scavenge the building for anything we may need. I have a feeling we're going to be here a long time." Dawn glances at Drako and nods before turning toward the door.

"Let's move out," She grunts and we stand, groggily stretching our sore limbs.

The sounds of our footsteps pattering echo in the abandoned hallway.

"We should check Officer Johnson's office, he might have some sort of weapons," Peter chirps.

"A police officer would never openly leave weapons in a school," Dawn scolds. "However, he might have some walkies." She adds. Peter grins proudly, his aloof personality still as alive as ever.

"He might have some files, too," Anna finally speaks up, her voice barely a whisper.

"What use would his files be to us?" Dawn snaps, annoyed.

"He has to have something like reports on repeat offenders for containing such items in their locker. Every officer has a 'Watch List'," Anna replies.

"She has a point," I squeeze her against my side as we walk and Dawn scowls.

Soon we're in Officer Johnson's office and immediately looking through files and collecting five walkies.

"Here's one," Peter pipes up, "Joshua Topplegon, repeat offender at..." He pauses.

"Misusing exacto knives? For what?"

Dawn snatches the file, "breaking and entering his own locker," She rolls her eyes, "The police are such quacks."

"I've got one, Russo Defaro," Anna looks up with her big and beautiful eyes. Pull yourself together, I shake my head. "He's been suspended for drugs, a flare gun, a hand gun, an air soft gun, and three pocket knives."

"Jackpot!" Peter shouts.

"Whose to say they let him keep all that in there anyway?" Dawn interrupts. "I don't see why where wasting time in these files. These repeat offender's weapons wouldn't be kept on the school grounds-" She stops short, her body freezing as if something just clicked.

"How could I have been so stupid," she mutters under her breath, more to herself than anyone. "Look for a Brandy Davis." She starts sifting through papers determinedly.

"Why? What's so special about her?" Peter quirks. Dawn's hands slow a bit, but only for a second, her face hidden.

"Just do it." She looks up, voice firm. But her eyes. They're glossed over, something brewing. The sudden paleness of her face, and her serious tone makes us silently scramble to help her.

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