Them (editted)

43 1 0

Sunday night

Anna's point of view

I hum along to my playlist, as I study. Pulling my ear buds out, I glance at the clock only to read 8:47.

"Mom, when's dinner gonna be ready?" I shout.

There's no answer. Right before I call out again I hear something. Scurrying claws on our hardwood floor followed by a crash and something breaking.

"Mom?" I get up from my bed as the house falls dead silent.

My hand twists the knob on my bedroom door and I slowly poke my head out into the empty hall. I walk out quietly and hear more scurrying and something else break. My heart rate is picking up as the building fear and anticipation begin clawing at my chest.

I turn the corner into our living room and feel for the light switch when something moves in the shadow. My body breaks into a cold sweat as I pray to find the light before something bad happens.

Finally my fingers hit the little plastic switch and light fills the room. But the sight before me stops me in my tracks.

The room is destroyed and there's blood smeared every where. But that's not what stops me. It's the beast standing over my dead parents.

It breathes in deep, growly breaths and it's piercing, red eyes stare into mine. I'm frozen in place staring at the six foot creature with its dirty black claws covered in my parent's blood and it's skeleton like body, his fangs dripping with blood and his skull adorned with black horns, contrasting against the rest of his yellowing bones.

From my peripheral vision I see the dead bodies of my parents start to move and the sounds of bubbling flesh and clinking bones begin to fill my ears. When my parents stand up they look exactly like the beast and they're all three staring at me.

A scream breaks free from my lips and I turn and run. I run as fast as I can, tears streaming down my face. Bursting through my front door, the cool crisp air hits me like needles, tons of needles.

I continue to run down the street, frantically, as I look over my shoulder at the horror I'm leaving behind. The beasts have moved on to my neighbor's house. With no plan and no where to go I keep running.

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