3. HoneyfernXBerrynose

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Honeyfern lay basking with Berrynose, Lionblaze, and Poppyfrost. The warm shafts of sunlight that lit her pelt made her bones tickle with warmth and she purred.
Berrynose lay beside her, their flanks brushing, and he flicked his tail, pointing towards Graystripe and Millie's kits who were playing moss-ball together beneath the rocks towards the camp wall.
"We'll have kits like that one day," he purred.
Honeyfern purred, her heart warming at the thought.
"That would be wonderful," she murmured, catching Lionblaze's disgusted look.
Oh, he's just a sour old badger, she thought, twining tails happily with Berrynose. Suddenly, a long, slender figure slithered along the base of the rocks.
It turned towards the kits, it's jaws extending, ready to strike.
Honeyfern saw it, as well as Lionblaze and Poppyfrost.
"Snake!" Honeyfern yowled, preparing to barrel Briarkit out of the way, but Poppyfrost was too quick. She leaped, quick as lightning, and pushed Briarkit out of the way.
Honeyfern let out a screech of horror as the adder's hooked fangs locked into Poppyfrost's shoulder before slipping away back into the rocks.
Berrynose stood beside Honeyfern, his gaze dark. Millie rushed towards her kits, her eyes wide with horror.
Sorreltail, who had been sharing tongues with her mate, Brackenfur, looked up, horror coating her gaze. She raced towards Poppyfrost, Brackenfur close behind.
Honeyfern leaped off the rock, racing towards her injured sister.
She crouched down, staring at Poppyfrost with wide, worried blue eyes.
Poppyfrost's breath was coming fast, her flanks rising and falling too quickly to be normal.
"Leafpool! Leafpool! Leafpool!" Sorreltail shrieked.
Leafpool and Jaypaw were already there, herbs filled in their jaws.
"Help her!" Sorreltail pleaded.
Berrynose stood at Honeyfern's side, their flanks brushing. He glanced at her soothingly and she slightly relaxed.
Poppyfrost's paws were curling up in agony.
"My blood!" she shrieked. "My blood is on fire!"
Honeyfern pressed her muzzle to her sister's head, her heart aching.
"Shh. Let Leafpool fix it," she urged, her tail trembling.
Leafpool shook her head slightly. "I-I can't help her. The venom has spread too far," she whispered.
Sorreltail turned to her furiously, eyes blazing, and spat, "Impossible!" She looked as if she were about to rip Leafpool's head off, but instead whipped around to comfort her daughter on her journey to StarClan.
"Shh, shh. Don't worry. You were very brave, saving Briarkit. I'm proud of you. I'm proud!" Sorreltail meowed, her voice breaking into a sob as Poppyfrost began to spasm violently. Finally, her eyes rolled back into her head and she lay still.
Poppyfrost was dead.
Seasons later, Honeyfern lay in the nursery, panting.
Jayfeather stood beside her, his dark, blind blue gaze firm. "Push!" he urged. Honeyfern heaved, her swollen belly spasming, until a kit slithered out. Her head ached as another spasm shook her. She lost track until the spasms stopped and Jayfeather announced proudly, "Three she-kits and two toms!" Honeyfern fixed her gaze onto her kits, her eyes warm.
She licked their pelts vigorously as Jayfeather passed her some tansy. "Eat that. It will help your milk come," he meowed, then turned and slipped out to report the birth to the Clan.
A heartbeat later, Berrynose entered. He gazed at his kits proudly, sitting down beside Honeyfern. "They're beautiful," he whispered.
Honeyfern purred, her heart swelling happily.
She looked down at the kits.
Her oldest was a dark cream she-kit.
"How about we name her Creamkit?" Honeyfern suggested.
Berrynose nodded, his eyes shining.
"And that one can be Owlkit?" he offered, nodding at the biggest kit, a dark brown tom.
Honeyfern nodded.
"And the light brown tabby she-kit. She can be Skykit," she suggested.
Berrynose nodded, then looked at the dark gray tabby tom.
"Smokekit maybe, after my father?" he suggested. Honeyfern nodded, pride and delight shining in her eyes.
Finally, she looked at the last kit.
A tortoiseshell she-kit.
"Can we name her Poppykit?" Honeyfern asked softly.
Berrynose nodded, licking her between the ears.
"Of course."
Honeyfern purred, falling asleep with her new family around her.

Sorry if this was quick and not as good. I was running out of things to say, but I truthfully do love Honeyfern. If you think about it, she died kind of her nothing, since Briarkit/paw/light became paralyzed anyway. For all those Briar lovers, I like her too, but I just think it's unfair about how Poppyfrost ripped Honeyfern's life right from beneath her paws, so now it's Poppyfrost's turn. Hope you enjoyed! :)

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