5. SnowfurXThistleclaw

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Snowfur was calmed by the gentle lapping of Thistleclaw's tongue.
Whitekit was playing with Tigerkit in the nursery, and she was exhuasted after a full moon of staying in camp and caring for her young, energetic son.
"Don't worry. I'm sure it'll get easier soon," Thistleclaw murmured in her ear, and his warm breath sent shivers up her spine.
Snowfur leaned into him, his thick tail wrapping tightly around hers. She basked in the warmth of his pelt, then glanced up as her sister Bluefur padded towards them.
Her blue eyes were bright, and for once she didn't seem bothered by seeing Snowfur and Thistleclaw together.
"Greetings," she meowed curtly, nodding briefly at Thistleclaw.
Her gaze immediately flit back to Snowfur.
"Care to go for a walk?" she asked.
Snowfur started with surprise. Bluefur hadn't talked to her much, showing her disapproval of Thistleclaw. Was this just a chance to get Snowfur out of public so she could scold her?
Snowfur shook off the clinging cobwebs of doubt and leaped to her paws.
She hated breaking away from Thistleclaw, but she had to mend the bond back with her sister.
"I'll see you later," she murmured, brushing muzzles with him warmly. Thistleclaw nodded, glancing at Bluefur suspiciously.
"Take care of her," he growled, a flash of warning in his pale yellow eyes.
"I will," Bluefur snapped.
"I can take care of myself, thank you," Snowfur meowed irritably, more amused than angry.
She rolled her eyes and led the way out of camp, waving her tail warmly at Thistleclaw before vanishing.
Bluefur followed and muttered, "Cheeky furball."
Snowfur paused, glaring at her. "Don't start," she warned.
Bluefur shrugged innocently.
"I'm not," she assured her, dipping her head.
Snowfur turned and climbed up the ground, which was rising steadily. Soon Snowfur was climbing up the ravine, feeling her dull muscles begin to seep with their old strength.
She leaped from rock to rock, her claws hooking into the small crooks and crannies and hauling herself up.
Bluefur soon passed her, having more exercise than Snowfur from the past moon.
Snowfur was panting heavily as she reached the top of the ravine.
She brushed flanks with her sister, glancing into her warm blue eyes.
"It's been good to reconnect with you," Snowfur purred, nuzzling her sister's ear.
"I know. I'm sorry about being a total fox-heart these past few days. I guess Thistleclaw is a powerful warrior, and he slightly intimidates me." Snowfur could tell that Bluefur forced the words out of her mouth.
Snowfur ran her tail down her sister's flank and murmured, "Don't worry. I know you don't like him, and that's not the reason you loathe him. Don't worry; you won't have to spend all day with him." Bluefur nodded, seeming relieved.
Snowfur brushed against Bluefur, pressing her muzzle against hers.
Bluefur purred happily.
Snowfur flicked her tail and exclaimed, "Let's get going! I'm going to burst if I don't start moving!"
Bluefur nodded and they both set off.
Snowfur took out at a run, heading towards Sunningrocks. Her paws flew over the ground, scuffing up bits of moss and debris beneath her. She used her tail for balance, her eyes narrowed slits to prevent the wind from making her eyes water.
Finally, the grass became warm sand beneath her paws, with clumps of mottled green here and there.
Snowfur pushed past a clump of lush green undergrowth, fed by the moisture from the nearby roaring river, when RiverClan scent tickled her nose.
Snowfur halted, spotting Bluefur hurl past her, completely oblivious to Snowfur hidden in the undergrowth.
Snowfur was about to emerge from her hiding spot when Bluefur hissed, "Oakheart? What are you doing here?"
Snowfur froze.
Oakheart's deep, throaty voice made Snowfur narrow her eyes in scorn.
"To see you, of course," he replied coolly.
Snowfur held her breath, waiting for Bluefur to reply.
"You need to leave! Snowfur will be arriving any minute!" Bluefur hissed. "She can't know about us!"
Oakheart sighed in frustration but muttered, "Fine."
A heartbeat later, Snowfur heard a splash as Oakheart plunged into the river.
Snowfur didn't hesitate, springing from the ferns with a snarl of fury.
"How dare you! How dare you judge me and Thistleclaw, when you are sneaking off to meet with this... this RiverClan scum!"
Bluefur jumped, guilt clouding her gaze. Instead of confronting Snowfur, she turned and fled.
Furious, Snowfur followed her, seeking answers.
They ran for what seemed like moons until the reek of the Thunderpath made Snowfur skid to a halt. As for Bluefur, she hurtled through the bracken, tumbling onto the Thunderpath.
Horror gripped Snowfur as the sound of screeching and then a sickening thud echoed through the air. She raced through the ferns in time to see Bluefur landing, covered in blood.
Shrieking, Snowfur ran towards her, pulling her sister off the Thunderpath quickly.
She licked her face vigorously, cleaning away the blood, muttering I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the whole time.
She felt a tail rest on her back and looked up to see Sunfall, Swiftbreeze, and Adderfang.
"She's gone," Sunfall murmured.
Snowfur threw her head back in grief, knowing Sunfall was right.
Snowfur watched Whitestorm proudly as he taught Frostpaw and Brindlepaw how to stalk. Snowfur was nursing her second litter of kits; Bluekit, Quailkit, and Mothkit. They were napping in the nursery. Thistleclaw sat beside her, watching their oldest son in content.
He was deputy now, and Snowfur could never be happier.
She leaned into Thistleclaw and shuffled closer, brushing pelts with her mate.
"I love you," she whispered.
"I love you, too," Thistleclaw replied.

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