10. LongtailXMousefur

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Mousefur's pelt crawled with the fierce desire to protect her Clan. The Dark Forest was attacking, and she was ready to rip their sorry pelts to shreds.
Her amber gaze darkening with malice, she stiffened as the sounds of yowling split the air.
Let it begin!
Mousefur pressed against Purdy. "Stay behind me," she snapped. "These monsters won't hesitate to kill you."
Purdy shook his head. "I've got yer back, Mousefur," he declared firmly.
Then the two cats, fur slicked by with grime and a sickly glow, broke into the honeysuckle bush.
Bring it on, fox-hearts!
Mousefur slammed her paw onto the dark brown tabby tom's nose, claws unsheathed. He hissed in anger as Purdy sank his teeth into the other's ear.
Fight like rogues! For ThunderClan!
Her gaze hardening, she slashed her claws at the tom, again and again, faster than she would have thought possible. The tom couldn't get a good blow in, which satisfied Mousefur. His claws grazed her ear, only giving her more fuel to fight.
She lunged, jaws closing around the tom's neck. Without thinking, she ran her back claws down his flanks, knowing her weak jaws wouldn't kill the tom.
Mousefur twisted back, but not quick enough to not get a sharp blow to her muzzle.
She could feel her joints beginning to stiffen, but she only hissed with fury and slashed her claws across the tom's throat, close enough to kill but not quite strong enough. The tom flinched and turned, racing out. The other followed.
Huh. Mouse-hearts. Scared of two elders?
She huffed with amusement and glanced at Purdy. His ear was torn and a patch of fur was missing on his left flank, but otherwise they were fine.
Is that all you got, flea bags?
Mousefur tensed as a large black head popped into the honeysuckle, narrowing onto Purdy and Mousefur.
Stiffening, Mousefur acted instantly. She lashed out, both paws slamming down with as much force as she could muster onto the side of the tom's head. He hissed with annoyance and shock and Purdy lunged, claws tearing viciously over his nose.
The tom let out a snarl of fury before launching himself into the den.
Mousefur darted to the side, Purdy following in sync. Together they attacked the tom from both sides.
This one was more of a fighter, though. He turned, leaping at Mousefur with paws outstretched, lips peeled into a snarl. Mousefur crumpled under his weight like a leaf in the wind. Purdy leaped to her aid, sinking his teeth into the tom's scruff and holding on for dear life.
The tom grunted, loosening his grip on  Mousefur slightly to try and shake Purdy off.
Scrambling away, Mousefur began wheezing, but lashed out anyway, her claws catching over his ear.
The tom hissed, his claws connecting with Mousefur's cheek. Blood pooled out of the wound and she hissed, her spine arching furiously, and lunged at the tom, her claws scraping his neck.
Purdy joined in, and together they both tackled the tom to the ground.
Mousefur felt blood flow beneath her claws and looked down to see her claws submerged in the tom's throat.
His pale yellow gaze glazed and he let out a strangled gurgle before beginning to fade away.
"Killer! You'll pay for that, you old flea bag!" a voice screeched.
Mousefur turned as a dark gray tabby hurtled through the honeysuckle, only to be blocked by a familiar pale yellow-and-black tabby tom.
He knocked into the tom, slamming him to the ground with strong paws. His teeth fastened around the tom's neck, digging in sharply. Blood flowed out, but the tom managed to slip away as a pale brown she-cat leaped at Longtail, shoving him away. Purdy was wrestling with two Dark Forest cats now, leaving Mousefur alone. Gazing at Longtail, Mousefur ensured that he'd be okay before turning to face the tom. He leaped at her, pinning her to the ground in a fluid movement.
As Longtail fought off the she-cat and sent her fleeing, he turned to Mousefur and yowled, "No!"
But it was too late. Mousefur felt jaws close around her neck and the teeth drawing blood before her vision began to blur. Her last thought was:
At least we'll be together, until we fade into nothing but a thin line of mist.

Okay people or person who is reading, this is the last couple. Hope you enjoyed, and please watch for any other stories that I might publish! Thank you for reading, and farewell! It's been a pleasure writing this :)
Sincerely, Ivypool785

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