8. SashaXTigerstar

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Sasha sat watching her kits wrestle. Tadpole steadied Hawk with a paw as he stumbled, while Moth played with both her brothers' tails.
Sasha blinked, staring at her sons. Hawk had the same dark brown tabby pelt as his father, though he had a snowy white underbelly and piercing icy blue eyes. Tadpole was jet black, his dark green eyes calm and controlling, his slender yet sturdy frame that of his father's, while Moth resembled Sasha almost completely.
"Kits, come inside! It's getting late," Sasha called, standing up.
"Aww, Mama! Do we have to?" Hawk complained.
"I'm afraid so. You three can play in the morning," Sasha told them sternly, gathering them up with a sweep of her tail.
She bustled her kits inside the mound of hollow logs that were their home.
When they were all settled, Moth asked, "Will you tell us a story, Mama?"
Sasha paused, sucking in a deep breath.
"Yes," she meowed finally, thinking for a moment. She leaned closer, her amber gaze warm. "Your father," she began. "Was a strong and brave cat. He was big, with a lithe frame but heavy muscles, making him a formidable foe in battles. His pelt was a dark brown tabby color, crisscrossed with scars from the fights he would get into to protect those he loved," Sasha began, thinking of ShadowClan, and how Tigerstar had led them.
But he's gone now. A pang shook Sasha's chest, making her struggle to breath.
When she recovered, she continued softly, "Your father was stern and strong, and powerful. Almost every cat in the forest feared him... every except me." Sasha paused, almost remembering as she stumbled into the endless pits of Tigerstar's warm amber gaze.
She looked down at her paws, forcing herself not to wail in grief at the thought of her never being able to see her beloved mate again.
Sighing, Sasha continued quietly, "Your father loved me dearly. He once took on two foxes to protect me." Pausing, she stared at her kits. "He would have loved you."
Moth blinked. "What happened?" she asked softly, eyes wide.
"Well," Sasha began, deciding to be partly honest to them, "all cats make mistakes. Tigerstar's was just with the wrong cat. He trusted that cat to be his ally, but in return the cat killed him when he didn't expect it."
Hawk hissed in anger. "Who was that cat? I'll make them pay!" he spat, claws curling into the soft moss and ferns beneath them used as bedding.
Sasha ran her tail gently down Hawk's flank.
"Easy, little one. The cat who betrayed him is dead as well," she soothed, then paused and murmured, "But parts of him still live on."
Her kits looked up at her with wide eyes.
"Tigerstar still lives on, in you three. I trust you to learn from his mistakes, but also follow in his pawsteps to be the best cat you can be. Do not follow him entirely, because you shape your own destiny," she murmured.
"I'll be just like Tigerstar!" Hawk announced.
"Me too!" Tadpole agreed.
"Yeah, me three!" Moth added.
Warmth filled Sasha's belly at the sight.
Tigerstar lives on forever. In Hawk, Moth, and Tadpole, and their kits beyond. He also lives in my heart. Forever and always.

(A/N Hello, to anyone who has read this far! I'm keeping these as mostly short and sweet little stories, but maybe I'll lengthen some, because I really like all these couples, and all in all, the characters are really intresting. Ever wonder how Cinderpelt coped with loving Firestar but never being able to be with him? Or of Feathertail, dying to save Crowfeather and then watching two other she-cats live the life she couldn't have? Or Snowfur, forced to watch her mate stumble into madness and the craving of bloodshed, and to leave her son, when he was still just a young kit? (For this is why I hate Bluestar. I know her kit, Mosskit, died and everything, but that was her own fault for deciding to take them to RiverClan in leaf-bare! Then she went crazy, and that's a little unacceptable if you ask me. After all, Crookedstar didn't go insane, and he lost way more than her. Plain and simple. :P) Anywho, two more to go before my list of couples is done. Then I'll probably get into more lengthened ones. Can't wait! Any whooooooo, if you even have the smallest possibility of liking these, say so! I'll think of making more lengthened stories, and invite your friends who like Warriors to read! :) I'd appreciate it A LOT :) Thank you, for whoever is reading!

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