Part 8

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"Fast friends?" Sarah held in a laugh. "Way to go. Next thing you know, he'll be asking you to be his wingman."

I rolled my eyes. "At least I've spoken to a guy for more than two minutes straight, unlike someone I know..."

Kaitlin and I laughed and ducked for cover as Sarah threw pillows at us.

It was a lazy Saturday, and the three of us had gotten together at Sarah's place for a sleepover. I had texted them short details about my time with Frank the day before, but was just now giving them the full story.

"But seriously, I don't know how I'm going to, like... Recover from that. What if he just wants to be friends? I really like him and I just.... Ugh." I buried my face in my pillow.

The three of us were sprawled out in the basement, with our sleeping bags and pillows scattered around to make a giant cushion of comfort. It was only three in the afternoon, but what better way to spend a Saturday than staying downstairs in pajamas and gossiping with my two best friends?

"Don't be getting all boy crazy just yet," Kaitlin said.
"We can't have two drama queens in this group," Sarah cut in.

"... Hey!" Kaitlin protested after she finally got it. I snickered, and checked my phone. Instagram, to be exact.

Kaitlin leaned over and saw the familiar blue and white header at the top of my screen.

"I posted a selfie yesterday, help a girl out. I was having such a good hair day and my eyeliner was perfect... And only thirty likes?" She complained.

I rolled my eyes and went to her profile to check her recent posts.

Kaitlin's page was filled with artsy photography and selfies. I'm secretly jealous of her; she's super pretty and tall and skinny. She has perfect brown hair that always behaves, green eyes, and some of the whitest teeth I've ever seen. Not to mention how her wardrobe is every girls' dream. Well, not really mine. I just prefer band tees, vans and jeans.

I double-tapped her recent selfie and commented the usual compliments and emojis. Then, onto Sarah's page.

Sarah isn't the girly type. She's more like me. Her posts consist of hot topic hauls, food, and music related things. She detests taking photos of herself, even though she's gorgeous as well. She has pin-straight black hair, dark eyes, and naturally tanned skin. She's the shortest of the group, at about 5'2", but would take anyone in a fight, and most likely win. She's the Rottweiler to Kaitlin's Chihuahua. Not in size, but you get the point.

Then there's me. I have long, wavy dirty blonde hair that has a mind of its own. My eyes are grey, but my friends insist they are bright blue. Maybe I just don't see it because I'm so used to it. I'm nowhere close to my friends' thin, bikini-ready bodies. My thighs rub together, and when I turn sideways, I don't exactly disappear.

But back to reality.

My phone buzzed in my hand, and a text notification appeared at the top of the screen. It was from Frank.

"you still alive or did someone beat me to it?"

My heart skipped a beat and I inhaled sharply.

"Text from Frank?" Asked Kaitlin. I nodded.

My friends were at my side in an instant, helping me decide what to say.

Fast Friends - Frank IeroWhere stories live. Discover now