A close call with a bullman

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It was nearing the end of the year and exams were coming up. One night Percy and I were sitting in our room studying when Percy flung his book across the room."If I see another flying word I'm going to lose it!" He yelled standing up to grab it. 

"There is no way I'm going to be ready for this Latin exam or any exam whatsoever," I muttered under my breath.

"We can at least go and apologize to Mr. Brunner for his exam we're about to fail," Perce frowned walking across the room to grab me. Holding our books we walked down to the offices. Looking down the hall most windows were dark, but light was spilling out of Mr. Brunner's office. We walked up when we heard, "Worried about Clara and Percy, sir. A kindly one in the school!" 

"No they are not ready yet."I heard our Latin teacher say.

"But what about the summer solstice deadline?"

"It will  have to be resolved without them," I heard Mr. Brunner say as Percy's book fell out of his hand hitting the floor with a loud clap. We quickly ran into an open office in fear of being found. We heard sounds, like muffled wood blocks, clopping on the floor and a soft snuffling as something to tall to be our wheelchair bound teacher passed over the window. 

After a while Percy and I left and quickly dashed upstairs to our room. Tired I  flopped onto my bed and immediately fell asleep. The next morning I walked to my first class ready to get the exams over with. "Clara you ready for this test?" Asked Percy sitting next to me. 

"As ready as I'll ever be," I replied with a yawn. To be honest exam week passed rather quickly and soon it was time to head back to Stark towers. As I packed up I said goodbye to our quirky room sad to leave Yancy. I grabbed my duffle bag and walked out the door. Seeing my dad's car sitting out front I rushed to meet him. "Dad!" I yelled across the courtyard running over to him.

"Clara I missed you." 

"I missed you to dad," I whispered wrapped in his arms. "Let's head home." 

I climbed out of the car as we pulled up to Stark towers. I couldn't wait to see the Avengers against had been nearly a year since I had seen them. I walked into the tower to see everyone waiting for me. I was engulfed in a hug from all of them. When suddenly my phone blared a call from Perce. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and answered it," Hey me and my mom are headed to montauk for a couple of days I was wondering if you wanted to come." 

"I would love to come I just have to ask my dad," I answered. " hey dad Perce was wondering if I could go to Montauk with him and Mrs.Jackson can I?" I yelled not entirely sure where he was. 

"Sure just stay out of trouble." He shouted.

I lifted my phone to my ear and said," So when do we leave?" 

About a hour later they were at the door ready to go. I grabbed a small bag and slung it over my shoulder running to the elevator. 

When we finally arrived at our cabin we cleaned it up and settled in. We spent the evening around the fire talking about school and laughing. That night my normally dreamless sleep was filled with nightmares, when a clap of thunder waking me and Percy up. With the next clap Mrs.Jackson woke up and muttered," hurricane." I could hear something far away bellowing loudly and something closer like mallets in the sand and a pounding on our door. Mrs.Jackson rushed to open it. Upon opening the door she saw Grover standing in the doorframe gasping,"Searching all night,what were you thinking?"  

"What happened at school?" She questioned fury burning in her eyes.

"O Zue kai alloi theoi! you didn't tell her! Its right behind me!"

We stuttered something about demon math teachers. "Get in the car all of you!" She shouted over the thunder tossing Percy and I our rain jackets. We dashed to the car terrified of the thing following us. Mrs.Jackson slammed on the gass. We drove for what felt like ages in the pouring rain. We were speeding past farms when lightning struck the camaro knocking us off the road leaving a gaping hole in the roof I tried pushing open my door it was jammed in the mud. Mrs.Jackson quickly threw her door open pulling me up and out of the car, Percy doing the same with Grover even though he was unconscious. "Go once you get past that tree on the hill you will be safe. When you get there you'll see a big farmhouse run to it and get help." 

"I won't leave you mom," Percy said determination in his voice. "Help us carry Grover." Even though I probably could have carried him myself. We pulled him up between our shoulders and started up the hill. Soon the large mass behind us got to the car where he stood snuffling it. "Can't he see us?"

"No the Minotaur's sight and hearing are terrible but he will smell us soon enough." And with that he picked up the camaro and threw it across the road. It exploding in a shower of sparks. He bellowed with rage and began to tromp up the hill, the Minotaur had found us. 

We pulled Grover to the tree and Mrs.Jackson whispered to Percy and I, "he can't stop or change directions once he's charging. Once he gets close to you jump sideways to avoid him." I dashed over to the brink of the hill waiting for him to charge. When he did Percy and I jumped to the sides avoiding him. He crashed into the tree as we ran away. He then turned to Mrs.Jackson and growling he ran her down. Mrs.Jackson  did what she told us to, but the Minotaur had learned his lesson his arms shooting  out and grabbing her neck. As he held her clenched in his fist she disappeared in a shimmer of gold. Filled with fury Percy and I ran down the Minotaur launching ourselves up onto his head and grabbing the sharp horns and holding on for dear life. I refused to let go of the horn when it snapped off flinging me to the ground. Soon after Percy's fell to the floor with him, together we rolled up them stabbing into his heart. We stumbled over the line carrying Grover and as we got to the large house we quickly passed out.

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