I'm Sorry

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Dear readers of The Demiwitch Avenger,

I'm sorry. I am here to tell you that this story is over.

I began writing this story as a seventh grader who had just fallen in love with all of these worlds. A seventh grader who, in spite of her paralyzing fear of putting her writing out into the world, began this story. While I still truly love all of these stories as well as the characters they hold, I am not the same person I was then.  And so, I have decided to officially end it. Rather than letting it continue to drag on with the hopes of another elusive update, I have decided it is time to finally move on and close this portion of my life. 

I do, however, want to thank all of you for the insane support this story has gained. Never in a million years would I have dreamed that a little story I wrote as an inexperienced seventh grader through many nights of hiding under my covers because my parents could NEVER know, would be read by thousands of people and I want to thank you for that. For reminding me that as small as the world may seem you have the power to reach people you have never met, thank you. Thank you for showing me how supportive the world of fandoms is so much so that I joined this world as a little seventh grader and am still actively on wattpad as a senior in high school(nerdy I know). Nonetheless I am still shocked that so many people have not only read this story that I still hold so dearly to my heart, but have commented, voted, and added it to their reading lists. 

So thank you for these wonderful years of my life, and I am sorry to end it this way.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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