+1. Niall Part 4

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"Hurts...." Niall mumbled, gritting his teeth.

"I know, Ni. But don't worry, we'll take care of you and you'll be as good as new in a jiffy." Louis tried to reassure his blonde friend.

"C-Can we go a bit faster? I really want to sit down." Niall said quietly. Louis gently rubbed his hand while Harry unconsciously gripped Niall's arm a bit tighter.

"Of course, Niall. Whatever you say." Harry replied with a small smile. He looked at Louis and signaled him to go faster. Louis gave him a small nod, then the duo walked a bit faster while half-carrying the Irish lad.

Finally, the three of them made it into the dressing room. Liam was nervously waiting for them with the door open when they went in there. When he saw the trio coming closer, Liam said something to someone inside before quickly ushering them in. When the four of them got inside, they saw Paul with a first aid kit and Zayn sitting on the couch with a worried frown. He immediately moved over when Harry and Louis carefully placed Niall on the couch.

Niall whimpered when they accidentally jostled his injured knee. Zayn gently gripped his hand and whispered, "Shh. It's okay, Niall. You're going to be fine."

"I called the doctor. He's on his way." Paul walked over to them and took a glance at the blonde's knee, that was starting to bleed. The manager frowned at that, "Harry, get the-"

"Tissues, got it." Harry said, grabbing a handful of tissues and giving them to Paul. If this wasn't a dire situation, Paul would've chuckled and lectured Harry for getting a bit too much. But since Niall's knee was bleeding by the second, Paul only nodded at the curly boy and started to wipe off some of the blood from the knee.

"Ow..." Niall said, barely above a whisper. Louis slowly sat beside him and gripped his left hand while Zayn rubbed the right.

"What do you say if we go to Nando's tomorrow? My treat." Louis said to the blonde, obviously trying to distract him from his knee.

Niall couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "I have a...black card, Louis. It's already...free." Niall whispered slowly because of the intense pain.

Louis blinked and laughed sheepishly. "Oh yeah, I forgot."

Niall gave him the smallest of smiles, before he was brought back to reality and quickly gasped when his knee started to sting again.

"Sorry, Ni." Paul whispered to him, pulling his hand away from the swollen knee before gently wiping the blood off it again.

"How much is the pain, from one to ten?" Liam asked him carefully. Niall bit his lip, it was definitely a nine or maybe even ten. But, he didn't want to risk him being fussed over. So he answered with an, "Eight."

"Ten." Louis said, as if he read Niall's mind. Niall turned to him and frowned in confusion. "Wha'? No, it's-"

"Either nine or ten." Louis stated with a serious face. But he softened his eyes and started to gently rub Niall's injured knee. "Don't lie to us, Ni. We want to take care of you, but to do that we have to know how much pain you're in." The oldest explained.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Lou's right." Harry half-joked from where he was standing in front of them. He got a slight glare from Louis and also a small laugh from Niall in response.

"Haz, I can be wise when I want to be." Louis sassed. Harry raised an eyebrow at him mockingly.

"Oh really?" Now, Zayn was joining Harry in mocking Louis.

"Yeah, but that's not important. What's important here is that Niall needs something to put in his stomach and also some entertainment!"

"I never said that." Niall pointed out. Louis rolled his eyes at him. "Yes, but you do say that every time we finish a concert. It's kind of like your after concert routine."

"What kind of routine is that?" Liam chuckled. "There's no such thing-"

"Don't you dare tell me there's no such thing as an after concert routine if you always play dress up when we're in the dressing room!" Louis ranted.

Liam seemed somewhat offended by what Louis said. "I don't play-"

"Oh yes, you do! Remember the caterpillar outfit? Oh, and what about Batman?"

"They were gifts from fans!" Liam reasoned. "I had to wear it to make them happy!"

"Yeah, but no one said you're not allowed to take it off! I mean, you wore it all the way to the hotel!"

"So? I like the outfits, it's pretty comfortable."

"Girls, you're both beautiful. Now please quiet down and be as silent as a mouse." Harry joked.

Everyone looked at him with weird, confused faces. Zayn and Paul face palmed. Niall raised his eyebrow, unimpressed. Liam shook his head fondly at the curly boy while Louis merely stared at him with a disapproving frown.

"What?" Harry asked, frowning.

"No offense Haz, but jokes are just not meant for you." Louis stated eventually.

"Why? I like telling jokes."

"I don't care, just please stop." Louis told him. Harry pouted and continued asking Louis why his jokes aren't funny while the others just watched them with amusement.

While the others focused on Larry, Liam and Zayn quietly took a good look at how Niall's doing. He was smiling and slightly laughing and looked a lot better compared to his condition on stage earlier. Liam and Zayn glanced at each other and smiled, mentally patting themselves on the back.

Actually, the reason why Louis and Liam started arguing was because they wanted to distract Niall from his knee. Earlier the Irish lad seemed to be in a lot of pain, but now he seemed to relax and slowly not focusing on his injured knee. Paul was done wiping the blood a few minutes ago, but Niall didn't even notice.

All of them continued to watch Larry bicker until Paul's phone rang. Paul quickly grabbed it and began to read a text someone sent him. After that, Paul looked at Niall and told him of the news he just got.

"Okay, Ni. The doctor's here now and he's going to check how your knee's doing." Niall nodded tiredly, not having the energy to say anything more.

"I'll be outside if you need me." Paul said, giving Niall a small, reassuring smile. Then, the manager walked to the door and out of the room. Niall averted his gaze from the door and turned to his four brothers.

"You're not gonna leave, right?" He asked them with a worried frown. All of the boys had to fight the urge to say 'Aww.' because Niall looked like a hurt child right then and there.

Technically, he was. The boys treat him like the little brother they never had, so yeah. He did look like a hurt child.

"Of course we will, Niall." Liam said eventually, walking closer to the couch and crouching in front of Niall. The rest nodded without hesitation.

"We're not going to leave you." Zayn stated, rubbing Niall's hand.

"Brothers stick together." Harry sat beside Liam and smiled fondly at the fake blonde.

Niall flashed a relieved smile at them and mumbled, "Thanks."

"Speaking of sticking, there's literally invisible glue sticking my bum to the couch right now. It won't let me go and sit closer to you." Louis complained.

Harry and Niall chuckled while Zayn and Liam rolled their eyes at the oldest.

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