+1. Niall Part 5

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"Don't worry, it's not as serious as you think." The doctor told them, gently examining Niall's knee. "It grazed the part of the knee where you had been operated, but as long as you wear this brace and not put any pressure on it, you can still perform at the next gig."

Everyone let out a sigh of relief at what he said.

"Thank you, Doctor." Liam smiled gratefully.

The doctor gave a smile in return. "It's my pleasure, boys."

"Here, let me escort you back." Zayn offered him. The doctor accepted and let the raven-haired boy guide him back to his car. Meanwhile, the remaining three encircled Niall on the couch.

"That's good to hear, right Niall?" Louis grinned, patting the blonde's back gently.

"Yeah." Niall let out a low whistle. "I was scared for a bit there."

"Aw, don't worry Nialler." Liam tugged the man in a one-arm hug. "We'll chase the bad guys away from you."

Niall pouted at Liam, "You're treating me like a kid, Li."

"You are a kid." Harry grinned with that cheesy smile of his.

"I don't want to hear that from you, Harry." Niall teased. Harry faked an offended look at the blond and pouted.

Suddenly, the boys heard a knock coming from the door.

"Come in." Louis half-shouted. The doorknob turned and the door slowly opened, revealing the figures of their worried backing band.

"Niall, you okay buddy?" Josh asked as he approached the blonde, clear worry shown in his eyes.

Niall was touched that they were concerned about him and gave them a thumbs-up. "Yup. A bit peachy, but I'll be fine."

"Don't worry, guys." Liam said as he showed them the brace the doctor gave them. "The doctor says that as long as he wears this brace, Niall would still be able to play at San Siro."

The musicians let out a breath they didn't knew they were holding and felt like a thousand tons were lifted from their shoulders.

"That's good!" Sandy cried in relief, squatting down in front of the Irish lad. "You gave us a scare there, Ni."

Niall gave him a sheepish smile. "Yeah, sorry about that."

Josh shook his head. "Don't be. It wasn't your fault, you have no right to apologize."

Niall's eyes went wide and he gazed at Josh in mock surprise. "Wow, you're using a big word, Josh." The blonde wiped away an invisible tear. "You're growing up so fast."

The man rolled his eyes while his band mates chuckled. "Never mind; the kid's fine."

Meanwhile, Harry opened his phone and checked their tour schedule. "Fortunately, there's quite a big time gap between Amsterdam and San Siro." Harry informed as he showed them the schedule. The curly-haired boy smiled, "You have plenty of time to rest, Niall."

"And, only rest." Liam reminded with a stern gaze. Josh and the musicians nodded behind him.

Niall was puzzled at the looks he got. "Of course I'll rest, Liam! What else did you think I would do?" He cried out.

"Something other than resting." Liam crossed his arms.

"Like, the gym or the club." Jon pointed out.

"Or maybe golf." Josh added. "Or a restaurant."

"I won't do it, Li! Trust me!" Niall said as he gaped at them. He was honestly hurt at how they thought he would sneak away from them all. Sure, he did that a few times in the past. But in his condition, Niall doubt he could even go to the restroom.

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