Chapter One: All Mayors Go to Heaven

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Ivy's large brown eyes flickered from the center of the screen to the corner where the time was displayed.

2:30 am

She quickly looked back, her hands typing furiously across the key board. List of names showed before Ivy and her built up frustration finally blew out her nose. She scrolled down the list until a familiar name caught her eye. Archie Snit.

The corner of Ivy's lips tugged slightly into a sly smile. She clicked the name and the sixteen-year-old boy's personal file uploaded. The girl reached for her pen and her trusty notebook and started to copy down his medical, grade, and other personal information.

A flash of light.

Ivy froze.

A low whistle and a jangle of keys.

She quickly turned off the computer and started to pack her things in her dark red messenger bag. Have to hurry. Have to hurry.

Ivy heard footsteps coming closer to the school's office which made her dash towards the window. She made too fast of a step which made her foot get caught behind the chair leg. The next thing she knew was a rough carpet coming straight towards her face. A small yelp came out of Ivy's lips along with a crash of the chair she toppled with her. Me and my clumsiness.

"Hey who's there?!"

Oh no. Ivy quickly got up right when the glass door flung open to reveal the school's night security guard. Ivy ran towards the open window she climbed from earlier and put one foot on the window sill to prepare herself to jump the one story height. However, before Ivy could take one step out she felt herself being pulled backward and falling hard on her back.

She felt uncomfortable with her bag squished underneath her body as she looked into the face of a dark-skinned security guard. His emotions of annoyance and a bit of weariness flat on his face.

"Not again, Ivy."

Ivy made a heavy sigh. The first time I can blame my mistakes on a chair.


Ivy sat confidently in front of the stale face of Mr. Rivers, a fifty-year-old bald divorced man with two kids and owner of a used Bronco. Known from the information Ivy scraped from sleuthing of previous school hacking. Her mother, however, was different. Her blonde hair contrasted her beat red face and her lips, which were pressed tightly together. The woman kept her eyes forward, which was to keep herself from looking at her daughter and exploding. As her mother bore holes into the wall next to Mr. Rivers' head, he turned towards the sophomore to discuss Ivy's "extra-credit" activities.

"As you may know by now this is your fifth time breaking into the school and hacking our computer system," said Mr.Rivers.

Eighteenth time breaking in actually, but I've only been caught five times. But she kept her mouth shut. It wouldn't be a brilliant idea to reveal that info.

The man leaned forward and laced his hands together. "You do know that causes permanent damage to your personal record, correct?" He raised a bushy eyebrow.

Ivy was no longer interested in the conversation and was instead focusing on Mr. Rivers' engagement ring on his hand. When has he started dating? Let alone get engage. She might have to recheck his record again. The last time she checked it was three months ago. A long time by her standards...


Ivy nearly jumped out of her seat with her mother's screaming. Her heart leaped as she turned sharply at the fuming woman next to her. Ivy's mother hands had a death grip on the armrests, her knuckles turning white. Oh no, mother is yelling again. 

"How could you sit - dazed - in front of your own principal!"

The woman's voice rose so high, it cracked. Her mother was going to lose her voice for a week again if she didn't tone it down a bit. Ivy only stared at her mother, waiting for the woman to calm. Ivy figured her mother was furious towards her.

"Mrs. Fleur, I sorry to tell you to have an inside voice," Mr. Rivers said, a hint of threat in his tone.

Mrs. Fleur inhaled through her noise sharply and exhaled. She repeated the pattern while muttering inappropriate words under her breathe. The woman took one hard glance towards Ivy before fully resting into the stiff chair. "Fine, I'll try not to raise my voice as much," Mrs. Fleur muttered.

Mr. Rivers nodded and turned back to Ivy who was still sitting, inaudible, during the whole scene. "Do you realize the seriousness of the situation you put yourself in," he questioned.

"No. Not really."

Mrs. Fleur sucked in a deep breath and stood up. "I'll be outside if you need me," she forced out, before turning on her heel and rushing out of the room before she could strangle her own daughter.

Mr. Rivers sighed heavily and focused back on Ivy. "I know you're a bright girl Ivy," he admitted. "You show signs of knowledge in your classes but have managed to get a perfect average in each class. It's like your trying to keep yourself at a lower level than you actually are."

"Why is my brightness determined by my level of education, Mr. Rivers," the girl asked.

The man froze for a second before worry crossed his features. "Oh, well..."

"Shouldn't my brightness be structured on my ability to solve than how much I could learn." Her big brown eyes bore into Mr.Rivers' which made him nervous under her stare.

"Actually shouldn't I be ranked on what I want to learn than what I have to learn," Ivy wondered. "Wouldn't my desire for knowledge be stronger then, than forcing myself to be put into a situation I don't want to be in. My brightness has nothing to do with how well I do in class. It's my work ethic that motivates me. You really don't think I would be breaking into an education facility just for fun, do you?"

She tilted her head and gave the grown man questioning eyes. "How could you call yourself my principal if you have not realized that simple concept?"

The man's mouth was a agape as he stared at her in shock. He quickly closed it and squirmed underneath the girl's gaze. "I-I am..."

A knock on the door silenced Ivy's next comment which made Mr. Rivers blow out a sigh of relief. He quickly collected himself when Ivy turned back towards him. "Come in," he said after clearing his throat.

The vice-principal popped her head through the crack of the open door, a look of stricken fear plain on her face. She is young for a vice principal, with fiery red hair tied back in a bun with a few fly-aways.

The woman looked between the girl and the principal nervously. "I'm sorry to interrupt. I'll come by later."

"Wait!" Mr. Rivers yelled, holding out his hand, like a survivor reaching towards their savior. He took a quick glance towards Ivy, only to see a blank slate. "I think we're done here."

"Oh, alright," the vice principal said, sounding unsure. She came in the rest of the way and closed the door behind her. "I have a matter to discuss with you."

"Well, go on." Mr. Rivers motioned for her to continue.

She looked towards Ivy, waiting. "Is she going to stay in here?" She pointed towards the girl with a concerned look.

"Why? Is it something serious," Mr. Rivers asked, his tone raising in worry.

The woman started to grow more anxious and shifted her feet. "Well not really...I mean yes. Oh well, maybe not...," she confessed, every word making herself more distressed.

"Just spit it out!" Mr. Rivers yelled.

The woman squeezed her eyes shut before muttering under her breath.

"The mayor has...died."


Yayyy! New book! I really like this one, and I'm sort of aiming towards a series about it. And have you guys seen my book cover? IT'S AMAZING! And I did it all on my phone. Can you believe that? It looks likes an actual book cover. I even put my real name on it. Soooo...


Adventures of Ivy Fleur: The Election of LiquidationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora