Chapter Twelve: With a Flick of the Wrist

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"We have another target."

Ryan raised an inquiring eyebrow as the girl on the side of the line was patiently waiting for him to answer back.

"You mean another suspect," Ryan retorted.

"Yes, exactly," she said. "We have to interview her tomorrow."

Ryan perked up. "Her?"

"Yes, her. Mrs. Moon. We are going to interview her tomorrow," Ivy ordered with an emotionless tone. She seemed to have forgotten - mostly - on what happened last Saturday. Where she had gotten drunk off of whiskey made biscuits since she hadn't asked Ryan about it. When Ryan dropped Ivy off at her home, Mrs. Fleur was furious to find Ivy stumbling over her feet and a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The woman apologized immensely to Ryan for Ivy's behavior before giving her daughter a murderous look and slamming the door in Ryan's face.

Ryan sighed heavily. "I can't tomorrow. I have kendo practice," Ryan explained as he played with the string unwoven from the hem of his shirt.

"Oh, I know."

Ryan's eyebrows furrowed together in a confused jester. "You...know? Then why ask?" Ryan stood up from his desk and walked over to his bed.

His desk lamp light covered mostly every surface in his room expect the corners, where shadows lurked. His homework - completely finished - laid open on his desk. However is was forgotten when Ivy called him not a few moments before.

"Because, I need to go to your dojo for the interview," she explained.


Ryan thought he heard Ivy sigh on the other end of the line. "The man who owns that dojo is Mrs. Moon husband."

Ryan mouth formed on O. "Oh, okay then. See you later," he said.

"I'll see you tomorrow." And she hung up.



Ryan bent down, his knees barely leveled above the floor boards, his bamboo sword stretched out in front of him. His opponent copied his movements and they both stood up once again. Ryan placed his foot in a basic position; his right foot forward and his left foot behind to where the toes on his left foot was next to his right heel. His feet were shoulder width apart as the two started to slide in a circle; the right foot sliding forward, still touching the ground and the left being picked up but the knee did not bend. The two swords lightly knocked against one another, daring the other to make the first attack.

Ryan's opponent finally made a loud yell and attacked with his bamboo sword. Ryan read his move before the sword hit his shoulder by using his own sword to block, twisted his opponent's sword away from Ryan's shoulder.

"Bent knees, Ano," his Sensei stated as Ryan gritted his teeth.

The two duelers were once again in the basic postilion and started to slide in a circle. Ryan's foot slid against the wooden floors before his front foot stuck to the floor and almost made him stumble.

"You're putting to much weight on your front foot, Ano." His Sensei interjected once again.

Ryan had to bit down on his tongue to not bark back a snarky comment. Ryan was usually never the one to get angry during practice rounds but this time is was different. It would have to be due to the fact that a blank faced Ivy had been staring at him for the past half hour. 

Ryan made a loud yell and slid forward to his opponent. Before the other boy could even lift his sword up to block, Ryan had already whacked his sword against the crown of the boy's helmet. It made a satisfying crack of metal against wood.

Adventures of Ivy Fleur: The Election of LiquidationWhere stories live. Discover now