Chapter Eleven: Damn the Empire and Its Biscuits

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Ivy unknowingly stumbled towards the towering Mr. Hughes as Ryan worriedly followed after her. Her posture was kind of strange like how she wasn't standing up straight like she usually does. And she kept tripping over her feet ungracefully. Ryan quickly caught her when she stumbled backwards, almost about to fall on her bottom.

"Why are you tripping over nothing," Ryan questioned with a concerned look.

Ivy's eyebrows furrowed. "I don't know," she muttered and stood back up, trying to keep her usual demeanor but failing miserably. Ivy's head was spinning a bit but she continued to stalk towards Mr. Hughes. She would have nearly rammed into him if Ryan didn't hold her back before she did.

Ivy opened her mouth to speak before she looked down at Ryan's hand still placed on her shoulder and giving it a hard look. Ryan sighed, irked, and brushed off his hand from her shoulder. She nodded her head and turned back to Mr. Hughes whom had noticed the two were next to him. He sunk down to eye level with them when Ivy turned toward him with a unfazed look while Ryan flinched back in surprise and a little bit of fear.

"Hello, Mr. Hughes I'm going to ask you some questions," Ivy said before Ryan nudged her with his elbow and Ivy finally perked up. "Oh. Such a shame about your home."

"Yeah, a shame," the gigantic man grunted.

"So about my questions --", Ivy started and flipped open her notebook.

Mr. Hughes growled. "I don't owe you any questions," he threatened and leaned closer to them to try to intimidate them more.

Mr. Hughes breaths came out in large puffs and fanned over Ivy's face. However, she didn't waver and looked upon the man with bored looking eyes. "We were the ones who found your mold, sir." Ivy raised her eyebrow to try to get Mr. Hughes to defy her. Instead he made his signature grunt and called his wife.

"Ja," she answered and Mr. Hughes suddenly made a hard look at her. His wife was talking to the police enforcement who looked irked for spending time out of their pay check to something that doesn't involve them.

Her husband's glare made her lips press into a thin line before she looked to the ground with guilty eyes. "Yes, I'm coming," she muttered and quickly scurried to stand next to her husband.

Ivy thought that it was strange that Mr. Hughes was suddenly treating his wife as just another random stranger but that thought quickly went away when Ivy suddenly wanted to go into a fit of giggles. A small laugh left Ivy's mouth before she could stop it and Ryan looked at her with horror filled eyes.

"Why the hell are you laughing," he whispered harshly.

Ivy furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't know," she answered.

Mr. Hughes and Mrs. Hughes didn't notice that Ivy was laughing for no apparent reason because they had been whispering harshly to one another. It looked like Mrs. Hughes was winning since Mr. Hughes' snarl was becoming more definite by the second. The bulky man abruptly turned from his wife with a defeated look. "Alright, I'll answer," he said defeatedly and turned towards the two teenagers.

Ryan gulped loudly and prepared to not annoy the scariest man in town. Ryan nudged Ivy and leaned closer to whisper in her ear. "Should I ask the questions?" Ryan was worried that she would say something offensive and make Mr. Hughes go into ape mode. Especially when she was suddenly acting so strange.

She shook her head. "No, I got this," she said and before Ryan could stop her, she was already asking questions. "May you give us your accounts of what happened during the mayor debate of September 23rd?"

Mr. Hughes growled and was about to turn around and leave before his wife's hand snatched out to grab onto his arm and hold him there. The man grunted again which made Ivy think why he never sighed, before turning towards the two with the stink eye.

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