1. I'm Saved by My Kidnappers

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Hey guys!
So... this will be a completely new story. I've had it on my mind since Christmas
Yeah. I've thought of it for that long. I can't believe I still haven't written it yet.
I have almost everything figured out in extreme detail; the only thing left to do is to write it down.
I'll update my Blood of Olympus fanfic whenever I can, but I'm thinking of scrapping it.
It just wasn't turning out as good as I'd meant it to be.
Well, I hope you're not too dissapointed with that information and...
Happy Reading!

1. Entering a Foreign Camp

I almost tripped over a tree root when I heard the roar behind me.

The teenage girl that held a death grip on my wrist ran faster through the small forest that was behind my middle school. The boy that had found me before that thing came bursting into my algebra class was picking up rocks and throwing them at the beast.

Oh, and did I mention he had goat hooves?

Real, bona fide goat hooves?


This has not been a good day.

But I should probably explain what's happening.

My name is Lila Hernandez. I'm thirteen years old. And apparently, monsters want to rip my face off.

The problem is, I don't know why. Did I just all of a sudden start looking like a tasty entrée  to every monster in a twenty mile radius? If that is true, which I highly doubt, why? I'm a good girl! I don't do bad stuff... most of the time.

Okay, so yeah, I might've tripped on a switch on the ground and made a broken fountain spray everyone with water on my third grade field trip, but that was an accident!

And I might have leaned on the glass pane separating us from the snake compartment while I was on my fourth grade trip to the zoo and made it fall.

But hey! If anything, it's the glass's fault it fell over, not mine. And I don't know why everyone was running around screaming, those snakes were totally harmless...I think.

And I won't mention the countless times I messed up after that. Some of them are just plain embarrassing.

So I live a pretty normal life. Well, not really, but you know what I meant. A couple tiny, insignificant, life scarring mistakes like those couldn't have caused a hairy monster want to kill me.

If anything, the worst part is having my mother pick me up after one if my 'mistakes' takes place. She's the only family I have. No brothers, sisters or cousins. No uncles, aunts, grandparents. They're all gone. And my father took off before I was even born. I hate to disappoint my mom, but these things just happen.

And now I'm living the Biggest Mistake Ever. I'm running through a forest being led away by complete strangers with a monster on my heels.

Oh, God, how am I going to explain this to her?

"We're almost there," said the girl. She has dark skin, much darker than mine, and curly black hair that bounces on her back.

I almost trip again as I try to catch up with her. "Where is 'there'? And who are you?"

She looks back long enough that I see she has eyes like 24 karat gold. "I'll explain when we get there."

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