25. Military Leaders Need Some Serious Fashion Help

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Hey guys! Hope you're all well.
I realize this is a bit late, even though it's been exactly two weeks, but where I am it's 10 P.M. so I'm posting this much later than I usually would
Note: Italics mean that it's part of the dream-vision, normal script is Lila thinking and just the normal stuff
Happy Reading!

26. Military Leaders Need Some Serious Fashion Help

"I would greatly appreciate it if you make sure you finish your work next time, Admiral."

I don't know where I am. I was sure that I had fallen asleep only seconds ago. How could I be here?

Where was here, anyways?

Large, tall columns made of black marble held up a domed ceiling. Torches burned at five foot intervals, the only light in the whole building. A man was sitting in what looked like a throne. His face was hidden in the darkness, the torchlight not reaching far enough.

How do I know it was a "he", you ask? Well, I'm pretty sure the deep voice had come from that direction. And no girl would wear tan shoes with khakis. Seriously. Get a stylist.

The Admiral was kneeling at the foot of the throne, head down. He didn't utter a word.

"You were told to have her join us or kill her. If she wasn't going to help us, she isn't going to help anyone. And yet you let her go."

The Admiral winced. "I'm sorry, Colonel."

I was surprised to see the Admiral so...submissive. He had acted before as if he ran the whole joint, but really, he was more like a little kid playing grownup. This Colonel was the real deal.

The Colonel snapped his fingers. A dracaena stepped from the darkness, as if she had just materialized out of thin air.

"Escort the Admiral to the auditorium." The Colonel finally shifted forward enough to be seen in the torchlight. He had dark, smooth skin. He was well built, his muscles bulging from the grey suit jacket he wore. His eyes were covered with reflective sunglasses. "I hope you're jokes don't ruin my plans again or we may just have to call my brother."

The Admiral's eyes flickered with panic. A dracaena led him from the room before he could say anything else.

A woman stepped from the darkness. She wore a long dress that dragged the floor when she walked. It was too dim to see her face clearly. "Forgive me, Colonel. I was a bit overdue on my assignment."

"Then tell me what it is you spent so long on, Até."

Até smiled, her teeth glinting ferally. "There is another prophecy. One of less importance, but important enough for our cause. It might be about her."

The Colonel raised an eyebrow. "Go on."

"Oh, wait." Até started to rifle through a small purse that I hadn't seen before. "It must be somewhere in here."

The Colonel's eye twitched. "You...wrote it down?"

"Of course I did! What, did you expect me to memorize it? I'm not Mnemosyne."

Até brought out a crumpled piece of paper that looked a lot like a napkin triumphantly. "Found it!"

"Just read it!" he snapped.

"Touchy, touchy." Até muttered. She cleared her throat.

"There once was an angel of Sea

Who spurned a proposal of need

It fell and was born

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