"Blown Away"

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"When do we get to see you again?" Vanessa asked with a shaky voice, willing herself not to cry.
"Come with me," he said. The looks on Vanessa and Penny's faces tore at his heart. They'd come so far in such a short time, leaving them so abruptly felt like he was cutting off part of his body and leaving it behind. Could he live? Sure. Would it be painful? Absolutely.

"You know I can't leave," she said softly, squeezing his hands that were hanging between them. He simply nodded, knowing everything she meant without saying it. Penny suddenly sandwiched herself between them and put her arms around his waist. Robert's eyes bugged, shocked at her grand display of affection. Robert circled the both of them with his arms and they stood in the doorway, embracing until he couldn't stay any longer.

"I'm flying out of Duluth. I'll call when I get to California," he lent down and kissed the top of Penny's head and then Vanessa's lips. Reluctantly, he picked up his bags and left. Vanessa's chin quivered and she swallowed the lump in her throat. "He's gone," she whispered.
"He'll be back," Penny said, and snaked her arms round Vanessa's waist.
I hope so, she thought.

Penny grabbed Vanessa's hand and dragged her upstairs with her.
"Come on Mom, let's go watch a movie."


Vanessa trudged through the freshly cut grass in the back yard and headed towards her garden. Two days had passed since Robert left and other than the call he'd made when he got there, Vanessa hadn't heard from him. The days had been long and sweltering, not to mention torturous without him to have as company. As soon as he entered her life she knew he'd have to leave eventually...she'd just been living in a dream world where they got to hang out in the Big Cabin, make pickles and screw on the kitchen counter like two wild animals. Gone. He'd gone back to California just like that and she didn't know when she'd get to see him again.

"God dammit!" she yelled and kicked an unsuspecting mound of grass and sent it flying like confetti on New Year's Eve, "Sorry. I'm just really mad right now," she apologized as if the lawn cared anything at all about her plight. She sunk to the ground and sat cross-legged, fiddling with the blades of fresh-cut green grass.

"I need some coffee," she whispered, "and I need to stop talking to myself."
She stood up and brushed the grass off of her trusty leather boots and went back to the Big Cabin. A family that had checked in a few days before was standing on the porch, bags in tow waiting for her.
"Hey folks, decided to leave a day early?"
"Yeah...we want to get ahead of the weather," the Dad said.
"Yeah, the news said it's supposed to storm tonight. Might be severe," he said, sounding concerned.
Vanessa surveyed the sky and there wasn't a cloud in to be seen.
"Hard to imagine. It's been so hot though, maybe a storm is just what we need."
"Hopefully nothing serious. Do you have shelter?"
"Oh sure. I've got a cellar...never had to use it though," Vanessa said flippantly.
He nodded and followed Vanessa inside to check out and then left with his family.

The familiar scent of brewing coffee filled the cabin and Vanessa sat down at the desk to go over the books.
"Hagens in two, Henry and June in six...Driscolls in four...so quiet," she said to herself, tapping her pen on the desk. I'm
"That's all the guests?" Penny had appeared without Vanessa noticing.
"Yeah, the Larkins left early. It's early in the week though, the weekend coming up is busy. Let's go clean--"
Vanessa's cell phone rang and cut her words short, she glanced at the screen to find that Robert was calling and her hear went aflutter.
"I'll be right back, Pen."
Her daughter waved her away and she stepped out onto the front porch. The air was electric somehow, like the whole atmosphere was unstable and ready to unload a massive downpour at any moment. Vanessa hoped it would rain, rain, rain and wash away all of the heat and humidity. Wash it all away.

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