"Future Reflections"

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The morning sun poured through the curtain-less windows. It was a bright and clear morning. Vanessa woke before Robert and simply laid next to him in the bed, the only piece of furniture in the room. She examined him, the way the flecks of silver in his dark hair showed and the way it had gotten quite rumpled from sleeping and from lots of not sleeping. His lashes fluttered and she could tell he was beginning to wake up.
"Take a picture it'll last longer," he mumbled into the pillow.
"I would if I had my phone...I don't even know where it is," she replied as she ran her hand down his back and under the covers, searching for his perfect, bare bottom.
"Careful, sweet thing. You'll get me all worked up and we have company coming soon," his eyelids were still heavy, not awake fully yet.
"We can make it a quick one," she purred as she climbed on top of him for a little more not sleeping.


"So, do you want to tell me about how you came to purchase this wedding gift?" she waved her arms around, gesturing to the vast and empty space that was the lower level of the enormous house.
"Well, once I understood the magnitude of my feelings for you, I decided I'd need a place to stay when I came to visit. I bought it just after the Fourth of July. Got it for a steal."
She shook her head in disbelief, "A steal, huh? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Well, I didn't want to freak you out, love."
"And we all know how easily freaked out I get."
"True story. Coffee?" he gestured to the coffee pot on the counter.
"If you don't like it, I have no problem selling it."
"No way. I love it, it's a dream come true. Also, did you by chance pack an overnight bag?"
"Of course...well, I had G do it. But yeah, it's in the front closet."
"Great, I was thinking I'd be in your dress shirt all day and then you'd be in your undies," she laughed and pinched his bottom before heading for the front closet.

The hardwood floor groaned under her feet as she explored the house. In daylight, it was far more magnificent than she realized, albeit a little grubby. Her mind flooded with future images of what could be. Penny, Exton and Avri bounding down the stairs on Christmas morning, summers spent out back on the shore, swimming, fishing and soaking up the sun. She'd always admired the hulking Victorian mansions that dotted the Lake Superior shore, never believing for a second she might one day call one hers. She felt a catch in her throat and an overwhelming sense of happiness and excitement with her life and what it had in store. She absentmindedly swiped a tear off of her cheek.

"I know it needs a little tlc, sweet thing but it's nothing to cry over," he came to her side with a mug of coffee in each hand.
"Bobby, this house is amazing. It's truly amazing. If I'd known about this, I'd have started a business here."

"I want this to be ours though, Vanessa. The PCH house was meant for you and your business. This will be just for us and the kids for an escape...and maybe more kids someday?" he tested the waters yet again.
"I was waiting for you to bring that up," she said as she crossed the entry and plopped down on the third step of the grand staircase.
"You were? Is that bad?" he sat down next to her.
"No...maybe...I don't know."
"Vanessa, I would never pressure you to have another child if you don't want to. You know that, right? I'd love to but I won't pressure you."
She shook her head yes and stared into her coffee mug.
"Would you settle for a cat for now?" she gave him a sideways smirk.
"What a silly question! I love cats. I'd be a crazy and lonely cat-man if it weren't for you."
"Whew! So glad I could save you from a life of solely feline interaction."
"No kidding...maybe we should get chickens too," he suggested, thoughtfully. After a beat, her phone started ringing from the pocket of the overnight bag. Dawn was calling.

"Good morning Ness! We'll be there in thirty minutes!"
"Who's we?"
"Me, Chris, Taylor, Penny and Rick is following us."
"Rick?" she looked to Robert for clarity, to which he just nodded.
"He needs to talk to Robert about allocating the money?" Dawn sounded as confused as Vanessa was.
"Alrighty then. See you in a bit. Do you know how to get here? Wait...you already knew about this place, didn't you?"
"Sure did. See you in a bit," and she hung up.

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