"Mess is Mine"

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"I've spent my whole life chasing something...but I never understood what it was I was looking for. I met you on this very spot-this spot that we're standing on-and the second I laid eyes on you, you captured me. You were disarmed, carefree and so beautiful. I saw your face and I realized what I'd been chasing. It was you."
"Me?" she sighed.
"You. I can't imagine my life without you."
"Bobby...my god...I don't know what to say," her eyes started to burn with tears.

"Say you'll be my wife," he cut straight to the chase, producing a small box out of his jacket pocket. He knelt down to present it to her and she noticed the glisten in his eyes that told her he was tearing up too, filled with emotion. What else was there to say but--

"Yes. Yes. A million times yes. I'd be honored. I would marry you right now if I could. Right this second," the elation rolled off of her in waves. He stood up and slid the ring on her finger. Without even looking at it, she threw her arms around him and began to sob. She knew then, in that moment that he really meant to stay forever and she could finally let all of her insecurities fall away.

"Funny you should say that-right this second-" he smiled and pressed his lips to hers. "You're probably wondering about the tents--"
"Also about the fact that Dave Grohl is sitting over there," she whispered and pointed at him, to which he gave a salute.
"Oh it's just Dave. We've been friends forever," he said flippantly. After a moment of silence between them he pulled away and drew in a deep breath. "Here's the thing, I'm so invested. I'm all in. I'm so ready to make you my wife that I pulled as many strings as I could and brought all of this up here. You said right this second, right?"
"Right. And I meant that. But--but--I'm wearing a hooded sweatshirt and jeans, Bobby. This is hardly something I'd ever picture myself getting married in."
"Did you see that small tent in the back?"
She nodded, wide eyed.
"Davy is back there and so is G and her stylist. There's a bus full of our friends and family just down the road that are ready to come and see us get married," his eyes searched hers to make sure that he wasn't pushing his luck.
"Friends and family? Where is Penny? What about Stevie?"

"I told you, everyone is ready and waiting. Say the word and it will happen. If you'll have me, that is," gave a shrug and a smirk.
"I will. Of course I will."
"I was hoping you'd say that," he nodded to June and she quickly dialed her phone, chattering away as she pulled on her coat and left the tent. Seconds later, Gwyneth appeared from somewhere behind Robert with two others in tow. She was beaming;smiling from ear to ear.

"G...this is crazy," she pulled her into a hug just after Gwyneth shooed Robert away.
"It is crazy but you know how he is. He loves you and he wants you more than anything. He said he'd stop at nothing to make this happen, blizzard or not."
"But how? Getting all of the people here? All this? It's insane-"
"Like I said, you know how he is," giving Vanessa a knowing look.

"What do we do now?" Vanessa muttered, still in a state of shock.
"We get you dressed," Gwyneth hooked her arm with Vanessa's and led her away. From the vast space of the first tent, they moved to the second. It was warm and cozy, with racks upon racks of clothing, dresses and jewelry. Vanessa paused at the door to take in the sheer volume of choices and took note of the way her day had started out as ordinary and ended up as anything but.

"G, where's penny?"
"She's on her way."
"I should call her--talk to her about all of this."
"Vanessa, she's coming and she's over the moon. She assisted Robert in planning all of this, you know."
Gwyneth's words made Vanessa weep. The last of her worries floated away. Her daughter's blessing was of the utmost importance to her.
"Now come, let's start fitting you."


"That's it. That's the one," Gwyneth cooed.
Vanessa turned to face herself, appreciating the fine detail of the bridal gown she'd been maneuvered into. It was the fifth one, in fact. The stylist had dressed her in a silk taffeta masterpiece, decadent in every way. Layers upon layers of rich fabric lay in draped magnificence all around her body. She looked fancy, polished and dressed to the nines.

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