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"Have you ever thought about just owning your own airplane? For how much you charter private flights, it would be worth it to have your own, right?" Vanessa asked as she got settled next to Robert on the plane.
"I had an airplane once," he said wistfully.
"Yes. It was a lovely little airplane. I lost it in a bet though," he stuck out his pouty, bottom lip.
"In a bet?" her jaw dropped in disbelief.
"Yep. Poker. I lost it over a hand of poker."
"Oh Jesus. Who's got your airplane now?"
"Tom Hiddleston."

"So you had a lovely little airplane all your own and you wagered it and lost?"
"Yep. Keep rubbing it in darling," he said with a smirk. "It's all good though, really. Tommy's lady is an airplane mechanic so it's better with him than it is with me anyway."
"Is that so?"
"Absolutely. Sara and I worked together on the set of Civil War. She flew stunts for Scarlett. You'd love them both, Tom and Sara."

"Speaking of Civil War, when is your Los Angeles premiere?"
"May sixth. You comin' with me?"
"Do you want me to?"
"Of course I do. Penny too."
"That's a big statement, bringing us to something like that."
"Well sure, but who cares? I want to show you off, I want the whole world to see where I am. Where we are."
Vanessa's stomach lurched at the thought of  the whole world knowing who she was. Her old fears started to crawl up her back, sending a prickling sensation over her body. She thought back to her last therapy session as a reminder.

"Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy-the experiences that make us most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light," he recited, then snapped his book shut. "Vanessa, the only way you'll ever be capable of living without fear is to own your past and move forward. You started a new life. You are Vanessa Day and what you make of this life now is up to you."

"Babe--Earth to Vanessa?"
She shook herself from her introspection.
"Sorry, I'm still adjusting--"
"I know it's different...and scary, this life. I'm here for you, okay. Don't ever forget it."


"Mom, I'll get my bag in a minute!" Penny shouted as she bounded up the sidewalk towards Dawn's house. Vanessa shut the car off and looked to Robert, who was lost somewhere in his thoughts.
"Hey. Ready to go in?" she patted him on the leg.
"Oh--yeah. Sure..." his response was distant.
"Is everything alright? You look like you're deep in thought."
"Yeah. Just tired I suppose," he offered, whether he thought Vanessa believed him or not. She was spot-on; she always was. He was dreaming of what their future could hold, he loved her so much and he was scared that her fears would tear them apart. He was willing to do anything to let her know that the love in his heart was real, true and unending. His thoughts had gotten away from him, she noticed and he cursed himself for letting it show.

He followed her up the sidewalk to the front of Dawn's house. The wind kicked up and sent a zing of biting wind up his back. He shook, cursing the fact he hadn't brought a warmer jacket.
"Cold enough for you Californians?" Dawn was waiting at the open door, wearing an apron that was covered in flour and lord knows what else.
"Dawn, it's freezing up here!" Vanessa whined as she pushed the front door shut.
"Just wait. There's snow coming tonight," her emphasis on the four letter s-word seemed ominous.
"What?" Robert and Vanessa asked simultaneously.
"Yep. It's a good thing most everybody is in town for Earl's service. I'd bet money they'll close the roads tomorrow."

"Wow. It's not even Thanksgiving yet," Vanessa marveled.
"Did you forget how cold it gets up here...and how quickly?"
"I suppose I did," she crossed the room to greet her friend with a hug. They held onto each-other just long enough but not so long that they'd both start crying.
"So. What can I help you with?" Vanessa herded Dawn into the kitchen.
"I'm about done here, Nessie. Go get settled and I'll pour some wine," she looked harried but Vanessa knew better than to push. Dawn needed to be busy to keep her stress at bay.
"You're the boss. I'll be back in a minute."

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