Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Journal Entry:

It's wrong how much simply the sound of Portia's voice excites me. I could listen to her talk all day long and never get tired of it. When did I turn into such a lovesick fool? Not that I'm really complaining, but I think my cheeks are starting to hurt because I'm smiling all the time. Those muscles aren't used to so much action.

Marsha keeps staring at me with these silly daydreaming grins. I know she's happy for me; but honestly, it makes me slightly uncomfortable to have her watching me so closely all the time. I never realized what a romantic she was and that kind of makes me feel sad. She's a pretty lady, but taking care of me has certainly put her romantic life on hold as well. Maybe she'll find someone here too, someday.


"Hey, Shell," Portia answered after a couple rings. "What's up?"

"I'm going to have to try a whole lot harder if you're starting to confuse me with a girl," I replied wryly. "I'm starting to doubt my kissing skills. Perhaps I need a tutor."

Her sweet laughter flowed through the receiver, causing a smile to spread widely across my face. "You so don't need a tutor, trust me."

"So you're speaking from experience then? Or am I to assume you're just guessing at my level of skill."

"I'm speaking from experience, of course," she answered, giving me pause as a streak of jealousy shot through me.

I knew there had been others before me. I was even guilty of running some of them off with either minor magic spells, or discretely putting an obstacle in their path that kept them from hooking up. Still, I couldn't be everywhere all the time, and I definitely didn't like being reminded of them. "I'm not sure how I feel about that. How many boys have you kissed before me?" There was really nothing that gave me the right to ask this; but I couldn't seem to help myself. Maybe I really was a glutton for punishment.

"How many girls have you kissed, Vance?" She turned my question back on me.

My mind flitted across the few I'd been with. There may not have been many, but there had definitely been hours and hours of making out. "Point taken," I said, chuckling after a moment.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. You don't get that good without a lot of practice."

She thought it was good! Score! There was no way I could wipe the wide grin off my face now. "So, you're saying you've kissed lots of guys then, because I think I felt the earth move when you kissed me back."

"Whatever!" She laughed. "How'd you get my phone number?"

Uh, oh. Portia was a smart girl, catching on immediately to the fact that I'd been gathering information about her. "I have my ways." Toying with her was my new favorite hobby—besides kissing her, that is.

"Are you going to share those ways with me?"

"Nope." I laughed, wanting to string her on a bit longer. I had to admit I was really enjoying myself.

"Hmm, a secretive stalker. Maybe I should reconsider going out with you. It might not be safe."

Her words hit home, knocking me straight to the core, mostly because she didn't realize how true they were.

I swallowed thickly, the urge to protect her from the dangers surrounding me rising to the surface. "You'd probably be wise to reconsider being with me," I replied honestly, my heart heavy at the thought of losing her so soon after getting together. "And I got your number from your grandma."

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