Chapter 1

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I do not own Pirates in Love. I only own part of the plot and our dear Scarlett. Enjoy~

"Dirty, d***, b******s. Why must they make such a mess?"I muttered under my breath. Then I start it think about back then,


"Scarlett honey, maybe you should start being, oh I don't know, successful maybe?" my mother asked.

"Maybe even getting married to a wealthy man and have children. We know you can't take care of yourself for the rest of your life," father inputted.

Well don't I fell loved.

"You know what? I'll show you! I can take care of myself and just you wait!"


[a/n: thoughts will be in italics]

Now that I think about it, it's probably not what they meant.

I sigh after realizing that thought. After running out on my parents I got a job at a bar which I'm currently working right now. The pay was enough to get a decent place. Just because I use to be a noble doesn't mean I need servants and a grand palace to survive. My dad made sure of that. Not long after, men started to bang at the door. 

"Hey! Open up! We want booze!"

"...Sorry! We'-" they kicked down the door.  Those b******s! That'll come out of my salary!

"Hey! What the f*** do you think you are doing?!"

They just chuckled and said, "Hey, come on. We just want to play." I could see that their faces were red meaning that they were already drunk.  Oh great, There are maybe... 10 men in here now. Well, s***.

Before I got to do anything, one of the men grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. Out of instinct, I screamed. When he pulled a knife out, my knee went straight to his precious part. Did I forget to mention that my dad taught me some self defense? The man earlier quickly fell to the ground holding that certain part.

Holy s***! I did it! My happiness was short-lived. Yelling curses, the rest of the men started to run towards me. Just then, a gun shot rang out.

"Annoying useless scums," said a man with dark brown hair and  an eyepatch. Based on his clothes, he looks like some sort of noble's clothes but without some fancy, colorful things. Did my parents send him to search for me?"

"Would you really pick up a scrawny kid like her?" he asked smirking. Before I could retort, another guy bursts through the door way, also tramping the poor door.  Well, there goes the idea of reusing the door and getting new hinges.

"Edwardo! You can't go alone," the new guy says. He had dirty blond hair and 2 swords at his waist.

"Y-you with this guy? You gonna die!" one of the men of the group shouted. I face palmed.  Drunken idiots. It's common knowledge that knives against a gun and swords hmmm, I wonder what would win?

"Hey!" shouted the eyepatch guy. He was shouting at me. I just stared at him.

"Get out of here! Its dangerous for kids like you!" he shouted.

"," I said before taking a chair ad started to knock out the other guys. The eyepatch and his friend then just gaped at me. In the background, you could hear the navy shouting for people to move. Muttering curses I broke into a run with the other guys. At one point, we split up to confuse the navy all while taking random twists and turns into alleys. Eventually, I reached the docks. Looking around, I spotted some barrels and knocked on the side of mostly all of the before I found an empty one.

Hearing shouting in the distance, I opened the barrel an climbed in. After closing the top, I felt myself being lifted.

"Man, this is heavy," said the guy lifting the barrel.

"Hey, f***ing a******! Ther-" there was a pain in my head before it went black.

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