Chapter 4

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"One problem. We have no room for you. You have to room with someone." Aw c***. I just stared at the captain. Honestly, you expected me to room with a man I haven't even met. Finally noticing my stare, he goes, "Oh right! You don't know everyone! You're met Edwardo, the one with the eyepatch, and Russel, the one with the swords, right?"

I just nod my head.

"Great! Now there's the doctor, Christopher. The cook, Nathan, is the one with the bandana. The youngest one is Thomas," he pointed to each one so I knew who he was talking about, "Now there's me! The great Captain Morgan of the Sirius Pirates! Hahaha."

"Enough of this s***! Who are you going to room with?!" Russel shouted. I weigh all my choices, and to piss him off more, I chose, "Russel."

"What?! No!" he shouted.

"Hahaha!" Captain laughs way too much.

"Can't ignore a woman's request," Edwardo said. I'm pretty sure he's just glad that I didn't pick him.

Grumbling he led me to his room, and plopped down on his bed. "Um! Where do I sleep?"

"The floor."

"....Hell no b*tch!"

"Excuse me?! This is my room, so I get to sleep on my bed, right?"

"Like I said, hell no b*tch! I'm one hell of a lady!"

"Yeah right!"

"You picking a fight with me, you b*stw*rd?!"

"Maybe I am!" Russel then pulled out his words. Well sh*t. Racking my brain for something to use against him and get him out of the room, my eyes landed on his clothes chest. Or what I think held his clothes. I ran to the chest, opened it, grabbed the clothes from in there and ran out. Oh wait, I grabbed his underwear. Eww. Oh well. I heard him running after me, cursing the fact that I was born. To add to his annoyment, I start to laugh like a madwoman, and throw his underwear into the sea. Seconds later, Russel appeared. I point to the sea and he came over to see what happened before "killing" me. I took this chance to take his room.

Once I got there, I plopped down on his bed. It's a good thing that I'm a deep sleeper, then I can't hear banging on the door.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Russel's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

That d*mn woman. And that goes for all women. They bring nothing but trouble. I look at her in confusion before going to her side to look into the sea when she pointed to it. I stared in chock at the fish who were swimming around in my underwears. Some had them as hats while others swam around them. After getting over my shock, I notice that the fish were koi fish. That means we're getting to Yamato! I ran towards the Captain's room. He jumped out of bed when I slam the door open.

"What the -?! Oh, Russel, its just you."

"Captain, why are we heading to Yamato?!"

"Huh? Why? Because Yamato has beautiful women and great saki."

"Captain, please don't tell me those are the only reasons."


I groaned. I have a she-devil to deal with and now, we're heading to Yamato.

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