Chapter 7

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Knowing that there was a party in my honor tonight got me through the day. Well, it did at first. It wasn't that early in the morning but everyone was already busy at work. Captain disappeared into his room and occasionally went out, but only to talk to Edwardo about the route. Thomas was doing chores and helping Nathan out in the kitchen. I was on the crow's nest with Russel. I was laying on my back with my head through the opening where we could leave and go down.

"Woman, you're blocking the exit," Russel says.

"Really now? You don't say?"

"I do say. Now, move."
"And if I don't want to?"

"That's not an option."

"Am I hearing Eyepatch?" I grabbed the roped behind my head, pushed off the pole using my feet, and flipped over. I looked up at Russel, smiled, and said, "Thanks, I think Eyepatch says that he needs me!" I jumped off the nest and landed on the rope that was connecting the nest to the deck. I climbed down and ran to the wheel where Edwardo was present.

"Hello, eye patch!"

"Go away."

"But I don't want to."

"Like you have an opinion."

"Actually, this time, I think I do. I'm bored! Help a fellow crew mate out!"




"Yes, damn you!"

"No, damn you!" I glared at him and looked around. I walked off into the kitchen. When I entered, there was a swish as my eyes widened. There was a thump next to me and I turned toward it. A knife was embedded in the door post.

"Hehe, look at that. I was about to get murdered." I turned and looked at Nathan who was going on like nothing happened.

"Gee, Nathan, did you see a knife-throwing manic around?"

"No, but get out of my kitchen!"

"Wow, you, Edwardo and Russel are the same. Can you just please just give me something to do so I can satisfy my boredom?"


"Great, not this sh*t again."

"Not this sh*t again?"

"Yeah, Eyepatch, Blondie, and you won't give me anything to do."
"Then go to Thomas."

"Alright, but can you go look at what he is doing?" He grumbled a bit but still went to look. Alright, now let's see what we have here. Strawberries. Kiwis. Watermelon. How is he getting these?

I grabbed a slice of watermelon and walked out. Nathan was coming back and stopped when he saw me. I quickly waved to him with a smile on my face. He walked up next to me and said, "Don't come into my kitchen again." I turned to look at him and he took my watermelon.

"Hey!" I shouted. He turned around to close the door and put the watermelon in his mouth. I gave him a b*tch face. Then Thomas came up to me and gave me a pile of sheets. Thomas is the youngest member of the crew and so he got picked on to do most of the 'lesser' chores. Now, since I came along, we had to spilt the chores between to two of us. Great. Soon enough, it was nightfall and there was the party.


Apparently, we were having the party on the deck. Russel and Edwardo pulled the table from inside, out and Captain and Christopher bought out all the good booze. Nathan brought out the food and Thomas explained what I should be prepared for. Everything was set up and we all sat down.

"Alright men!" Captain started.

"And lady," I added.

"Haha, and lady. A toast to Miss Scarlett, the newest member of the Sirius Pirates!"

They actually cheered and lifted up their glasses. And then we stuffed our faces. Everyone was in a great mood. We joked and laughed. I was surprised no one rejected me, but then again, why would they? I haven't done much to irritate them, excluding me throwing Russel's underwear into the sea. Besides that, it was great. . .until Christopher started to sing.

"We are pirates~" Christopher started. My . . .holy walrus cheeks. He's so off key. And then Captain joined him.

"Please not this time," Edwardo goes. Christopher laughs.

"Captain! I challenge you to a drinking contest!" Russel goes. This might actually be interesting. "Mind if I joined?" I asked.

"You a dead man, shark food," Edwardo says.

"I have a name, Eyepatch."

"Really? Never cared."

"Edwardo, stop that," Christopher says. Eyepatch shrugged.

Captain said that I could join and I did. Russel wasn't that might of a challenge. He lost

after a few glasses. Captain and I was still going. Eventually I was getting tipsy. D@mn, I

just need to beat Captain. After one more drink, Captain actually pasted out.

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I won!" I shouted. Soon enough, everyone got drunk and we all

passed out. So much for being adults, right? 

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