Chapter 3

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Hi~~~~ just a friendly warning that there is cursing in this chapter so if you're sensitive to this kind of thing, you probably be aware. Its not that much but it's still in here. And also, I sadly own nothing but our dear Scarlett.

Eyes turned towards me and everything went quiet.

"Ummm, sup?" I said.

"A woman?! What the hell is a woman doing on our ship!?" shouted a man with dirty blond hair. That's the fencer that helped me! 

"You! You were the one who tramped on the poor door!" I shouted.

Then he just got confused. He came all close. Close enough to kiss.

"Move your d*** a** back! Do you know the definition of personal space?" He looked taken back while some of the guys snickered. I start to smirk knowing I'm starting to get on the good side of the other men. Besides, judging the doctor of these pirates, he wouldn't  let a wounded man, much less a woman go on her own. 

"I don't know you," blondie finally says. My smirk dropped and I wanted to face-palm. The men started to howl with laughter. I turn to the doctor and see him laughing as well. I glare at him.

"Hold on a second," said another man with an eyepatch. That's the other guy from the bar! That a**, I still need to teach him a lesson for insulting me earlier!

"You were at the bar," eye patch says.

"No s*** Sherlock,"  I responded. I looked pleased. I could tell. What p*ssed me off  was the fact that he didn't even looked bothered.

"What's your name?" he asked. 

"Huh? Oh, its mind your own d*** motherf***ing business, b****."

He glared at me. I smirked . Laughter again, took over the men. One of them actually fell out of his seat. 

"Looks like we found Eduardo's rival," said a man with brown hair and a bandanna. 

I moved my head so I can see him. I gave him a 'who do you think I am ' look and said, "Wait a d*** second. What makes you think that he is worthy to be my rival? Much less, be in my presence?" Now the guys were trying to calm down. Smiling eye patch responds, "You're right. I'm not worthy enough to be in your presence," I cut him off,  "I'm gla-" He cuts me off  and I glare at him, "because my presence already over graces yours,  with the help of my gun and your death in the lovely sea of sharks." Now, the guys laughed, and he smirked while I glare. This just keeps getting better and better.

"Now, pick one: with a blindfold or with out a blindfold?" Blindfold? What the hell is he thinking? No! Not that! D*** b******, I'll kill him before he even lays a finger on me!

"Edwardo! You're thinking something dirty!" shouted the guy who found me in the barrel. A bit slow on the uptake, buddy

"Your mind somewhere else. I'm talking about making her walk the plank." My sweat dropped. 

"Stop it you two! You're scaring her!" doctor guy shouted.

"I highly doubt it."

"Oh yeah! I remember you now! You're that awesome chick who beat the guys with a chair!" blondie shouts.

At this, everyone but eyepatch, who now is apparently named Edwardo, looked shocked.

"Fine, if you don't want to become shark food, we could sell you," Edwardo said before anyone could speak. Jump into the ocean with a slim chance of surviving or living and being sold, and then beat the guy's a** and run. The second choice seems more fun.

"I pick c! Becoming a pirate!" 

"That wasn't an option!"

"Well it is now!"

"No its not! Learn the position you're in! How about I pick for you! Become shark food!"

"HAHAHAHAHA! Men! I've decided, this woman is now part of the crew!" A hand appeared on my shoulder, but I didn't care. I was a pirate!"

"One problem though, we had no room for you. You have to pick someone to room with."


So what do you think? Who do you want Scarlett to pick? 

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