Chapter 8

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I do not own Pirates in Love. It all belongs to Voltage Inc. Only Scarlett is my own work. 

I woke up with a gigantic headache. So this is what it feels like to get hung over. I now know why dad and brother sleep in after drinking a lot. I actually woke up in a bed instead of the floor which shocked me. Where are the others?

"Oh, you're awake!" Christopher shouted.

I just smile and asked, "How did I get here?"

"Are you already wanting to leave?" Christopher says chuckling.

"No, just curious."

"Well, Nathan carried you here." Nathan?! "Do you feel anything?" he asks.

"My head hurts." He laughs a bit before answering. "Don't worry, that's normal. You should rest for a little while longer and I'll have Nathan make you something cold to help."

"Thanks," I say and went back to sleep. Actually, today and tomorrow went by pretty fast. It was just quiet and I felt that I was slowly going insane. That was until, we finally reached a port. Once we anchored, I basically flew off the ship and hugged the ground.

"Oh, how I have missed you, earth! The ground! The dirt!" I shout with my eyes tearing up.

"Doc, are you sure her head is fine?" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see Edwardo.

"Why are you asking him? I'm right here! And my head is alright to!"

"Alright men!" Captain goes before I cut him off by shouting, " and lady!" Captain chuckled before starting over.

"Alright men! And lady! We are running a bit low on supplies due to a wonderful lady, so I am assigning all you things to obtain in town. Like always, you will go in pairs. This time, the pairs are Edwardo and Thomas, Nathan and Scarlett, ending with Russell and Christopher. If I am needed, I will be at the bar gaining information. Here are the lists of things we are to get."

Captain handled each of the pairs a list. Nathan was given our list so I went next to him and snatched it. There was only food on it and I smiled. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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