Chapter 1

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Aphmau's POV

On my way to Scaleswind. I was meeting up the the lord there to discuss what we were going to do with the Phoenix Alliance, since we are so far apart. I'm walking there right now, so yeah.

I was just thinking to myself.

Garroth and I had been dating for almost two years now. I wonder how he's doing. He really wanted to come with me, but I told him no, because he needed to stay back and help care for Phoenix Drop. I've been on trips like this before, without him. I've gone to Scaleswind before. But I guess he doesn't trust that I'll be safe, ever since that dance incident, and the snake incident. Those incidents. But c'mon, what's the worst that could happen?

I changed my mind on that last part very quickly when an arrow shot right in front of my face, causing me to jump back in surprise. Looking around, I noticed an O'khasis guard standing a few meters away.

"YOU!!" I screamed, and he turned and ran in the other direction. I was about to continue my journey, when something jumped on to of me, punching me in the back, and I fell. Before you know it, I was tied up, an in O'khasis prison.





I should get out of here! Said the one in prison. Yeah. Whatever. Zane was pacing outside of my cell, talking as if he had accomplished something other than ticking me off. Laughing, as if he had done something more than making me angry.

"Hmm, I guess I should tell your little chicken scratch of a village that you won't be coming back anytime soon. How's this?" He looked at me evilly with his evil face of evilness. I'm not his biggest fan. "Dearest citizens of Phoenix Drop,
You will be unhappy to hear that,
Your lord, Lady Aphmau, has been near O'khasis walls. And you see, she is the one in the eyes of the high priest, Zane. He wishes to make her his bride, you know. He asked her for the final time, recently, and after attacking Zane, she was killed, in self defence. I am sorry for the loss of your lord, and maybe now, you will consider the true power of the O'khasis Alliance.
Our Condolences,
O'khasis..." He smirked at me.

"What?!" I cried, "You can't send that! It isn't true!" He drew his sword and glared at me.

"Want me to make it true?"

"You wouldn't kill the woman you want to marry."

"Oh, yes I would. With you gone forever, it would be easy to take over Phoenix Drop. You see, if you're dead in their eyes, they won't come looking for you. We will wait until they are no longer angry, only sad, and we will attack."

"You're a monster."

He laughed. "Sometimes you have to do monster-like things to fulfil your destiny."
And with that, he left, leaving me in a prison cell, rapidly growing in anger.

He can't keep me here forever. I will find a way to get home. He will not stand in between the Phoenix Rising.

I looked around the small cell. There was a small pile of straw in the corner, and a wooden bowl for water. The small window near the ceiling was the only source of light in the tiny area that I had. Well, at least I wasn't tied up or in chains or anything.

Honestly, this day couldn't get much worse. I was on a long and  tiring journey where I was already missing everyone and everything back home, then I get attacked and put in prison, where my enemy lies to an entire village to make them think that I'm dead.

"LET ME GO!!" I heard someone yell somewhere down the hallway. They took someone else prisoner too, from the sound of it.

I heard another shrill scream, before I heard a familiar voice.


"THERE! NOW YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TRY TO ESCAPE!" He screamed, before I heard sobbing, and stomping. You become a lot more aware of your surroundings when you are trapped.

But I won't be for long.

I will escape.

And I will get back home.

I don't care how I'm gonna do it.

A/N-- Hey!

Nothing to say, so...



P.S.--I know, it's the greatest Authors Note ever.


Locked Away (From Blue Gems The Garmau Fanfic) {A Spinoff Of Ninja's Garmau Series}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz