Chaper 2

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Aphmau's POV

"Dang it Zoey, five more minutes!"

This is how I reacted when someone started tapping on my jail cell. When the annoying clinging of the metal bars continued, I gathered up my energy, and sat up.

"Relax, princess. (<-- Morbucks...?) The elf isn't here. But if you want to se her so badly, I can have it arranged to bring her here." Said Zane the Huge Prick of O'khasis.

"Don't. You. Dare. And don't call me 'princess'."

"Then stop acting like a princess, princess."

"If I'm the princess, then shouldn't you be letting me out and obeying my every order?" I sass. (SASSY LAWYER SKILLS!!)

"I never said you were a princess. I said you act like one, with your, 'I can't do anything on my own' and 'I can't defend myself when I'm attacked in the forest' attitude, not to mention the fact that you think you can be all sassy and sarcastic to me. You are in my home, you are in O'khasis territory. You can not do anything here." He turned to me, with a piercing glare, and I couldn't help but feel that if Garroth were here, he would give his [insert word of choice] that he has for a brother, a long *ahem, 'talking to' about talking to me that way.

"Now, I really must be going. I have servants to yell at." He walked off.

Turning around, I noticed three small scratched in the window frame that were not there before. Strange.

And now a word from the author! I'm just going to say that this book will be a short one, just like able Gems was. I will get right to the point, because Aphmau's life in prison is pretty boring, so let's skip to the next interesting part!

-----A Few Days Later-----

I awoke, not to Zane being annoying, but to someone gently shaking the door. Looking up, I saw who was doing it. The girl had straight silver hair, that was approximately down to her chin. Her pale brown eyes looked like they were scared, but the girl herself was smiling. Her pale skin resembled that of Snow White.

"Good morning. I brought you some food." She whispered, looking around.

"Who are you?"

"My name's Ezra. I snuck in to bring you food, and to help you escape. I know you have done nothing to deserve this life."

"...Y-You can help me escape?"

"I can, but it will take some time, and a lot of sneaking around."

"Won't we get in trouble...?"

She grinned mischievously, "Not if we don't get caught."

She spun around to the sound of footsteps. "I hear talking. There better not be anyone down here." I could almost feel the excitement in Zane's voice, just the thought of someone new to torture got him worked up.

"You need to hide-" I said, turning around to face Ezra, but she had disappeared. Nowhere in sight.

"Hm, nobody down here but you..." Zane pointed an accusing finger at me, "unless you're hiding something." He opened my cell, and began the search. Deciding that it was a great time to escape, I ran.

"HEY!!" I heard Zane yell when he realized that I had left the cell, and was now standing by the weapons that were hanging on the wall. "STOP HER!!"

I felt a hand grab my arm, and another covering my mouth. I was pushed to the other side of the room, but surprisingly, I wasn't put in a cell. I was being led up the stairs.

"CLOSE THE GATES!!" I heard the huge prick order his guards. "WE LOST HER!"

Zane must be blind, because I could see him clearly, and he was staring right at me.

"C'mon!" I was pulled up the stairs, and instead of taking the door, I was pulled out the window in the hallway. I ran with the force that was telling me what to do and where to go. I ran to the gate of O'khasis, but it had already been shut tightly, and guarded. Yet somehow, not a single man saw me. Being pulled around by spirits or whatever is tiring. They don't give you breaks. We ran until we found a spot where the wall was t guarded. I closed my eyes, trying to catch my breath, but soon enough, I was being pulled again. I felt like I was swimming in Jell-O. (Yum) It was cold, but eventually, I was let go, and I dropped to my knees.

"Where-" I began, but the force who was pulling me interrupted.

"We're inside the O'khasis walls. We should be safe here." Ezra turned to me, "WHY DID YOU RUN SO SOON?!?! YOU COULD'VE BEEN KILLED BACK THERE!!"

"What about you?! I'm not the only one here you know! Where were you hiding anyway?"

She sighed. "I'm a ghost. I have been for years. That's why I can be invisible, and make you invisible, as well as phase through walls..." She trailed off.


"Yeah. But I'm bound to O'khasis or whatever so I can't go past this wall. Which is why we need to break a way out for you."

I nodded. And started looking around the wall for a crack to look through. After a bit, I was able to find a small crack up the wall, so I could see the outside world. It was really bright, but also magnificent. Absolutely stunning.

"We need to break the wall a bit every day. We will eventually be able to break a hole big enough to get you out of here." Ezra said, startling me.

We spent the rest of the day picking at the crack in the wall, creating a hole just big enough to look through clearly. Yawning, I laid down on the ground (which wasn't very comfy) and closed my eyes.

A/N-- H¡!

I really, REALLY don't have anything to say right now. Except that EPISODE FLIPPING 100 MADE ME INTO A HOT MESS!! I STILL DON'T KNIW WHETHER TO CRY OR LAUGH OR SCREAM!! GAH!

Anyways I will see you later.



Locked Away (From Blue Gems The Garmau Fanfic) {A Spinoff Of Ninja's Garmau Series}Where stories live. Discover now