Chapter 1

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"I'll miss you!" Jasmine said over shoulder as she and her boyfriend Owen parted ways for three weeks of the summer. It was the last week of school and Owen was leaving two days early for his three week summer vacation with his family. Jasmine walked to her locker and stared at the picture of Owen in her locker. She grabbed her sweater and purse and shut her locker. She turned around to see Lindy and Logan walking towards her. Her heart skip a few times when she saw Logan. They pretended to date last year to get their crushes to notice them. After a few days into it, Jasmine developed a crush on Logan. But then she got a boyfriend and sort of swept the little crush she had on him under a rug.

"Hey Jas. You wanna see that new movie coming out tonight." Lindy asked her. "Delia, Garrett, me, and Logan are going." Jasmine had mix emotions about going to a movie without her boyfriend even if it was just with friends. But she decided to go anyway. Lindy walked away to go to her locker but Logan stayed. Jasmine didn't know this but Logan also had a big crush on her. "Hey Jasmine. What did you get on the chemistry test yesterday? I got a 79%" Jasmine stared at him and didn't know if he just wanted to talk to her or what. " I got a 94%" Jasmine told him. She felt like she was bragging compared to Logan's lower score. "Well maybe you should tutor me." Logan joked. Jasmine gigled as Lindy returned with Delia and Garrett.

As they arrived at the theater a few hours later, Lindy paid for the tickets. "Delia, can you get the popcorn?" Garrett asked. Delia light footedly walked to the popcorn counter and paid for four buckets of medium popcorn.
"They only have this much in stock so two of you will have to share." Jasmine just knew Lindy was going to try to push her and Logan together but the thing she was worried about was her getting more feelings for Logan.

In the middle of the movie they both reached for a handful of popcorn when their hands brush each other. Their hands got shocked. They looked at each other and we're silent. They stayed like this for a few seconds.
"I' right back." He almost got up when Garrett pushed him back down. "It's the best part, man, you can't leave now!" In the movie the town main characters leaned in and kissed. Lindy cried. Logan and Jasmine looked at each other. "" Jasmine stammered. "Shhhh... don't speak..." Logan started to lean in, but the box of popcorn blocked him. "Oh..." Logan chuckled as he moved it to the floor. He leaned in again and Jasmine didn't stop him. She felt this wave of emotions flooding over her. She remembered how she felt when she had a massive crush on him. The air closed between them. Jasmine felt fireworks. So did Logan. When they started to part none of them wanted to. "Um...sorry, I know you have a boyfriend." Logan started to get up. "No it's ok." Jasmine reassured him. They kissed again. Jasmine didn't know what was happening but all she knew was it felt so right to her.

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