Chapter 5

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Jasmine stared at her phone. Moments before she just called Owen. What did I just do?!? Owen's face popped up on the tiny screen. "Hey babe." Owen said, "I haven't had the chance to get to you all week. Now, tell me what happened at the movies? You and..." Jasmine was debating how to tell Owen that she kissed Logan. TWICE. "Um, well...uh..." Jasmine got an idea that she just knew would fool Owen. "After the movie, me, Delia, and Lindy spent the night at that new hotel across the street from the mall and then went shopping afterward. Then Garrett and Logan come over and we hung out at that new teen club. Remember the one called Soda Pop? We went there." Jasmine breathed out not really remembering holding it in. "And that was so hard to tell me? Jasmine, is that all that happened?" Just as soon as the words got out of his mouth, Jasmine immediately responded, "Yes! Uh, Yes that's all that happened." She knew she just told Owen a complete lie, but what she supposed to do? If she told him about the kisses, he would break up with her. And she still wasn't done deciding between Logan and Owen. "Are you sure, because you had such a hard time telling me. Jasmine are you telling me the truth?" Jasmine was a terrible liar. She was always seen through when she lied. But this time she told Owen," Have I ever lied to you? Don't you trust me?" Owen said yes and they said goodbye. Jasmine breathed in and out several times. She needed to decide. And fast. She knew Logan was probably hurting, and Owen was clueless about what happened. Jasmine remembered the feeling she got when she was about to tell Logan she liked him but he had a girlfriend. And now Logan was probably going to do the same thing, when she got Owen as a boyfriend, he had news but immediately rejected the idea of telling her. Jasmine knew Logan had strong feelings for her. Owen probably had less strong feelings because they never did anything like Logan and Jasmine did. She remembered how heart broken she was when Logan had another girlfriend. Now Jasmine was leaning towards choosing Logan because she went through the whole thing that she went through.

Meanwhile, Logan was looking at his phone. He wanted to run up to Jasmine and tell her that he loved her and wanted to be together. That gave Logan an idea. It was 5:48 p.m. and he ran to Jasmine's house. When her mom opened the door, he ran up to Jasmine. "Logan I still haven't decided yet." Jasmine was surprised to see Logan. "I know. I just wanted to tell you that whoever you pick, I want you to know I hope you will be happy. I want you to know I love you so much as a friend and a lot as more than that. Whoever you pick, choose someone you know you can be happy with. Please." He went to give Jasmine a hug. She accepted. "Logan, I'll be happy, as long as your happy if I don't choose you." She pulled back, but till holding his hands. "I'll be happy, Jas. I will." They went back to hugging. Jasmine didn't want it to stop. Then she looked up at him. He looked down at her. "I'm glad you'll be happy." Logan smiled. Jasmine stared at his beautiful eyes. She wanted everything to be ok. She wanted to just be able to decide easier. Logan looked at Jasmine's wonderful eyes too. They stared each other, Logan's arms around her waist, Jasmine's arms on Logan's shoulders

ogan leaned in. Jasmine did too. They kissed again. The kiss was magical. But just as they were about to part, Jasmine and Logan heard a voice. "Jasmine?" She looked up to find Lindy. "Did I interrupt something? I was looking for Logan. We have to pick up moms birthday present from the store." Logan sadly walked away from Jasmine. She waved and he waved back. This made things so much more confusing for her. Now she knew she loved Logan. But the problem was she still liked Owen. What was she supposed to do?

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