Chapter 7

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"Lindy get this liar outta my house." Jasmine told her. Lindy went to grab his arm when he elbowed her in the nose. Lindy fell on the floor, mouth and nose bleeding.
"LINDY!!" Jasmine ran to her on the floor. Jasmine glared at Owen. "Get out of this house....NOW." Jasmine told Owen very sternly. Logan ran in to see his sister bleeding on the floor. Owen sighed. "That was an accident! I swear." Owen claimed. Jasmine saw right through his lie. She pointed to the door. "Jas, will you please hear me out? Please Jas?" "I SAID GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE FOR THE FOURTH TIME. I WILL NOT SAY IT AGAIN. GET OUT NOW." Jasmine's mom walked in just then. "Jas what's with all the scream-" She stopped short when she saw Lindy on the floor and her nose blood on Owen's shirt. She saw Jasmine and Logan helping getting Lindy off the floor. "What happened?" " Well someone cheated on me with two girls and then elbowed Lindy in the face. Get him out mom. I told him five times already. Get him out." Jasmine's mom grabbed onto Owen's jacket with her nails and pulled him out of the house. Lindy got up off the floor and jetted to the bathroom leaving Logan and Jasmine all alone. "So...." Logan said. "So...." Jasmine replied. "Now that Owen's kinda out of the running for, well, you know, am I..." Jasmine smiled and laughed. She nodded. "Yes Logan. I pick you." She went to him and hugged him. He hugged back. "So after months of chasing and pretending and drama, we're finally together?" Logan asked. Jasmine laughed again and nodded. They hugged till Lindy came out of the bathroom. "So you guys are a thing now?" They nodded. "I thought so."

The three ran to Delia and Garrett's house to tell them the good news, but when they weren't there they checked Rumble Juice. They found Delia checking her text feed on her phone and Garrett polishing the counter. They told then they good news. "Finally!!!" Delia exclaimed. "I'm so glad for you guys!!!" Garrett said. They all got a smoothie when Garrett got off his shift.

Jasmine and Logan stayed together for along time. They loved each other. They were the epitome of a timeless couple.

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