Chapter 6

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Jasmine sat on her bed. She sighed thinking about Logan. Logan sat on his bed, thinking about Jasmine. Jasmine didn't know what to do. At all.

Jasmine picked up her phone to check Owen's instagram to see what he was doing. Owen didn't know Jasmine had his instagram. Jasmine had to get it from his friend. She never knew why he wouldn't give it to her. She scrolled through his feed. She looked at some of his recent photos from yesterday. She clicked on a picture that wouldn't load. As soon as it loaded her mouth gasped open. She saw a picture of him and this blonde haired girl with freckles kissing her boyfriend!!!!!! Jasmine immediately called Owen. He immediately answered.

"Hey babe." He said. "I'm not your babe." She scoweled. "What do you mean?" Jasmine looked at the picture and saw that the girls name was Lacey. "Well, to this certain instagram picture with a certain someone named Lacey, she's your babe." Then, she scrolled through some more photos and saw a Vanessa posted less than a week ago. "And what about Vanessa?" Jasmine was raging. "How'd you get my instagram username?" "Your friend Tom." She could feel Owen having a My friend is such an idiot moment. "Jas that was a long time ago." "No. It wasn't. It was less than a week ago. Owen you are a jerk. I hate you. I thought you loved me. Why did you go on this vacation? To get together with Vanessa and Lacey? Btw, we're done. Bye." Jasmine didn't even wanna cry. She now had a burning sense of hatred for Owen. She called Lindy and Delia and told them all that happened. She threw away all the pictures she had of Owen.

As soon as she hung up the phone with Jasmine, Lindy told Logan all that happened with Jasmine and Owen.
"What? Really?" Logan asked excitedly. "I know I shouldn't be excited but now she's single and I need to be with her! Linds, you gotta help me!" Lindy agreed and they finished their shopping. Lindy and Logan ran from the store to Jasmine's house. "Beware. It's a war zone in their." Jasmine's mom said when they reached her house. Lindy stepped in first. She saw Jasmine shredding notes from Owen and cutting up pictures of him and her. She saw her deleting all his contact info. From everything. "Lindy, I'm so glad you're here. I can't believe he did that to me!" Logan waited in the hallway. "Well, now you know the one guy you can choose. Logan!" Just as soon as she said that Owen walked in the room. "Jasmine. We need to talk."

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