Chapter 2

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That night Jasmine was worried. She stayed up all night replaying what happened that day in her head. She debated video chatting Owen and telling him she couldn't be with him anymore. She also debated calling Logan and telling him that she was going to stay with Owen. She rejected both ideas and went back to thinking. For all Owen knew was Jasmine didn't kiss Logan. But she did kiss Logan. Twice. How was she supposed to tell him that she was basically cheating on him with Logan. Owen wasn't aware of anything happening between the two of them. At all.

At Logan's house, he was so worried that Jasmine might pick Owen instead of him. He liked Jasmine so much h he needed to be with her. In the middle of the night Logan got out of his bed. He put clothes and shoes on and woke Lindy up. "Mmmm..." She groaned unhappily. "We need to go talk to Jas. Now." Lindy turned over to look at the clock. "At 12:21 in the morning? I don't think so. You can wait just a little longer to tell her whatever you have to tell her." Lindy turned over. "Please, Linds? Please?" Lindy finally agreed and got dressed.

As they walked over to Jasmine's back window, Logan wondered what he should say. He saw Jasmine's light on, so the both of the climbed up the tree and onto the balcony. Jasmine was sitting on her bed staring at her blank phone screen. Logan knocked on her window. Jasmine was startled but got up and let them in. "What are you guys doing here?" Jasmine asked. "Logan dragged me out of bed to come talk to you cause apparently he had to talk to you right exactly now." Lindy groaned. "Uh, Jas, I.... uh, wanted to...uh know still wanna...uh be with, um Owen." Jasmine had no idea what to tell him. Should I tell him I wanna be with him, or tell him I don't wanna break up with Owen, or tell him I haven't decided yet? Jasmine thought. "Well, I haven't decided yet. I really wanna be with the both of you. It'll take me a few days to figure this out. I'm sorry you had to come all this way." Logan started to leave. Lindy following. As they got on the sidewalk, Logan asked Lindy, "I can't imagine Jas and I not being together after that. We've went back and forth with not having a boyfriend or girlfriend and having one. I just really hope that she'll be happy with whoever she chooses." Lindy stopped him and looked him straight into the eye. "She's gonna pick you. I know it." Lindy kept walking. "What if she doesnt?" "She will... I hope."

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