At the Nadir

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I wish you were here...

I miss you.

Sometimes all I want to do is enfold you in my arms,

rest my chin in your hair,

and know that you love me.

No matter what.

No words, just a hug and a look into your eyes,

those wonderfully dark eyes.

Yet I can't, as you exist only in memory.

Now more than ever

at the nadir of my life,

I need your advice,

need you.

need your calm,

your measure,

your humour,

and love.

But you have been gone now for longer than I ever knew you.

Seems strange, when the memory of love is so strong.

The memory of calm eyes.

The memory of the spark in your soul

that touched all who knew you.

The memory of your eyes,

sunken in cancer,



worn by pain.

Yet the love was still there.

Even until the last moment,

your strength, courage and love unending...

Yet it did end.

And life has given me so much that I wanted to share with you.

At the nadir,

I wish I could hold your gaze one more time.

Wish I could show you all I have done,

and the family of which I am so proud.

I wish you were here...


To Nanna, with love, now and always.

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