Cereal Zombies

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Cereal Zombies

At half past five

there came the rise

of zombies from the hall

The creaking door,

steps 'cross the floor,

and then there came the call...

“Feed me, feed me!”

Two, then three!

From bed I had to crawl;

not yet awake,

for goodness sake!

The mornings start to pall.

And so they crunch,

and start to munch,

they’ll try to eat it all.

The cerealvores,

from bedroom doors,

a staggerin' down the hall.

A cuppa is mine,

oh caffeine divine!

Or else my brain will stall.

Computer on.

Brain fuzz, begone!

I’ve internet to trawl.

Kids so awake...

For pity’s sake,

the twins are in a brawl!

And so the day,

begins with grey,

and yet I’m standing tall.

For an idea has come,

(it must be done),

and so I start to scrawl

A horror tale,

oh how they wail,

‘bout zombies in the hall…

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