Oh Se-hoon

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Luhan stopped at the entrance of the night club. He hasn't being to a night club since he was 18 and was bored. He grimaced. That memory was not inviting.

He flipped his hair (wig) back seductively, as he had practiced earlier. Having long hair felt weird, but being sexy, however, came to him way too naturally. After all, he was a manly man. Bursting with confidence, he threw open the door and strutted in, showing off his body.

Okay, so the reaction wasn't as he expected. Nobody turned and stared at his arrival and his hotness. Never mind, too much attention isn't good. Trying not to show how hurt his pride was, he cat walked to the bar, blinking as neon lights flashed across the room. The dancing and wriggling bodies on the dance floor reminded him of his first experience with clubbing, making him falter and almost trip over. But thanks to his soccer skills, he balanced himself skillfully, and asked the man behind the counter for a bottle of soju.

The man looked pretty hot to be honest, but Luhan saw him as cute. He had a chubby squirrel face that Luhan wanted to squish...

'Soju, eh? Going easy, huh,' The man grinned.

'Hn? Well, Soju's pretty hardcore for me already...' Luhan said shyly. He was never shy. But this guy had such a cute aura that made him redden.

'Whoa, really? Should you even be at this night club?' He laughed, his surprised look making him all the more adorable. 'Seems like you should be at a playground instead.'

'Hey!' Luhan protested playfully. Thank god there was a normal person in here. His memory of clubs tell him that most people who go to clubs are scary sexy people who intimidate you. 'You look younger than me!'

The guy laughed, handing him a bottle of soju. 'Ha, as if. You can seriously just blend in with students at a high school. How did you even get in?'

Luhan rolled his eyes. 'Pfft, as if. I'm 25.'

'Wow, really? You don't look it. So what are you here for? You don't look like you're going to join that wriggling mass of bodies...'

Luhan laughed. 'Great description...Nah, I'm here to find a...an acquaintance of mine. Oh Se-hoon, have you heard of him?'

Luhan swore the guy's face darkened. 'You're looking for him? If I was you I'd stay away...he's a troublemaker.'

'Ooh, really?' Luhan said curiously, leaning in and flipping his hair back, arching his back and showing of his curves. 'He's a player, I assume?'

The guy seemed startled by Luhan's sudden change and backed away. 'He's a player all right. He comes twice a week, with four ladies by his sides and the rest all lapping at his foot, waiting to be at his sides. He's -' He stopped whatever he was going to say and looked in another direction. 'He usually sits over there.'

'Ahh,' Luhan feigned deep interest. To be honest he was disgusted by the description. He hated players in general...But a mission is a mission and must be carried out. He got up and thanked the hot guy.

'To be honest, you don't seem like a person who'd work at a club...'

The guy smiled wanly. 'Yeah, I don't feel like I belong here. I'm only here to practice serving people so I can serve people in cafes soon. I want to be a barista.'

'Really? Cool! I'd definitely come for a few coffees then.' Luhan smiled. 'What's your name?'

He looked surprised. 'Um, well, call me Minseok.' He winked before disappearing into a staff only room.

Luhan grinned stupidly at the guy's cuteness. He's shyer than me! Then he turned towards the direction of the couches. Sure enough, there was a slim figure with a hot hairstyle surrounded by a mob of girls.

Luhan grinned. So much girls meant competition, and he loooved winning competitions.

But when he reached the couch, he almost tripped again. The figure was the split image of the guy who served him a rainbow bubble tea earlier today. No way...that guy was cute! This guy was...hot. And sexy. And...seductive.

Luhan's heart almost stopped when Sehun's eyes passed over him. His dark gaze sent butterflies to his stomach. Not now, Luhan! He scolded himself. I need to act seductive. Otherwise the whole plan will collapse.

Luhan strutted over to him, his high-heels making sharp and intimidating click clacks. Two girls moved over quickly as he came towards them, but the rest of the girls refused to let go of their prize.

Sehun's eyes passed over him from head to toe, as if scanning him to see if she was worth it. His eyes paused when they met Luhan's eyes. Luhan knew he was thinking how sparkly his eyes were - that's what everything thinks when they see him.

Luhan walked over and pushed himself between another girl and Sehun. The girl humphed grumpily before leaving to go somewhere else with three other girls. Now there were only four other girls clutching to him desperately.

'Hey,' Luhan breathed in a low lady voice. He crossed one leg over the other and leaned in too close towards Sehun. His face was so cute and hot at the same time.

'Heey,' Sehun replied in a husky voice, eyeing him with interest. He touched Luhan's skin and brought his lips close. 'You're a beauty aren't you...'

Luhan's heart almost stopped as their lips almost touched. But Sehun broke away at the last second. He trailed his slim feminine fingers and found Sehun's and grabbed them, bring him closer. This time their lips really did touch. Fire burst from his lips to his heart. He brought him closer and stroked his neck. Sehun responded by leaning in and trailing his hands through Luhan's long hair.

Sehun has never being seduced before, but he liked it.

Luhan broke it off suddenly, and blinked lazily at Sehun. 'Let me go get a drink, Sehun.' He purred.

'You know my name?' The hot guy said, laying back lazily on the couch, the passion all gone. Luhan was disappointed. He didn't feel anything during that? Aish, I can't get myself seduced in the process, he scolded.

'You're surprised I know? Do you not know you're famous amongst us ladies?' He purred before going to the bar. Oh, how he hoped Minseok wasn't there. He felt almost too ashamed to see his face.

But before he'd reached the bar, he felt a body behind him, pushing him into a wall. Luhan turned and saw Sehun smirking at him. Let's not forget who's seducing who, he thought as he pushed Sehun so now he was against the wall, and in one swift movement, he'd reached up and kissed his neck. Sehun made a low moan that turned into a growl.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the clock which read 2 o'clock. In the morning. Cursing inwardly, he quickly pushed Sehun back, batting an eyelash at him before running out the door, leaving him panting.


What got into me today, hn? Why did...why did a girl catch my attention so much? She was just like the others - in looks that is. Well, I have to say, her eyes...they're really something...But the way she seduced me...No girl has ever done that before, and it felt - hot. Is that how people feel when I do it? Hmm, I wonder. But honestly, I do not care how those girls I've played with felt.

But that girl...she seduced me just like that and left. Ooh, mysterious...that makes me want her more...

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