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After Tao had left to be scolded by A, Luhan was left alone again in the lonely white hotel room.

Luhan decided on a logical thing to do after hours of thinking things through. He would follow his boss, A's orders, and kill him. And to make up for taking so long with this assignment, Luhan has decided to go to Sehun's hotel room and search his things to try and provide some information to present to his boss.

The only thing was that Sehun's room looked completely clean and empty the last time he was there. The only few things in there that looked remotely personal and not a hotel decoration was Sehun's wallet and hotel keys. Oh, and a pair of shoes and shirt on the floor.

But Luhan was sure he could find something. He will wait until Sehun has left before he sneaks in and go through his drawers with gloves. Luhan grinned. Good plan.

He didn't let himself think why he was doing this instead of just poisoning Sehun's drinks and be done with it. Because we all know it has nothing to do with impressing his boss.

We all know that when it comes to it, Luhan would never kill Sehun.

As soon as he saw Sehun walking down the road from his window, he slipped out of of his room wearing leather gloves. He snagged a 'CLEAN MY ROOM' sign and hanged it on Sehun's door. He has already memorized the security cameras positioning, so he knows that his face can't be seen from this view. And even if he could be, it was unrecognizable under the heavy make up.

The cleaner came down the hall few minutes later, and soon Luhan had access of Sehun's room. He waited until the cleaner was done before he vigorously went through all of Sehun's belongings. His face turned a bright shade of red when he went through some large size underwear, but he scolded himself and closed the drawer.

Sehun was definitely a clean freak. Every single piece of clothing was folded neatly, and if there were any weapons or poisons hidden in the closet, you could easily tell as there were barely any creases in the clothes. Luhan spent more time folding clothes up than searching for things.

He looked around. There were only two bedside drawers in the room. Nothing, not even kitchen knives or poison jars were found. No food in general in the room. Luhan was starting to wonder if booze was the only thing Sehun consumed. He found absolutely nothing.

Disappointed, but also a bit relieved, Luhan left his room.

Maybe A was wrong. Maybe Sehun wasn't the one killing all the girls. Maybe he was just some guy with a split personality. Luhan bit his lips in frustration. He truly wanted to believe Sehun wasn't the killer. But A was never wrong.

He watched the window for two hours straight until he saw Sehun enter the building alone before he went to sleep.

It was a restless sleep. Luhan woke many times, thinking he heard Sehun coughing or talking or laughing. But he knew it was impossible, because the walls were almost soundless.

The next morning, Luhan paced around in his room before deciding on a resolve. He knew something was definitely wrong. If Sehun was the killer, there had to be something. There must be. But he had searched everywhere...or had he? Luhan remembered the chest of drawers and the one where he refused to search because of the underwear it contained.

Luhan swear it's not because he's horny and needs to feel Sehun's abs, but it's because there might be hidden things in there. After all, it was the only place he didn't check. He's even opened up the clock and toilets, under the bed and curtains. But that one drawer he didn't check.

Luhan couldn't sit down from the thought that he could've found something if only he had searched the underwear drawer. He nipped on his thumb with frustration. In the end, he decided he would visit Sehun's room again. Only for a few moments.

He waited until he heard the usual click clack of the door and the loud resounding footsteps as Sehun went to his bubble tea cafe. Luhan slipped out again, reusing the 'CLEAN MY ROOM' sign, and hanging it on the door handle, making sure his fingers didn't touch the handle.

He slipped on his gloves, and this time, the cleaner took way longer to come, so long that Luhan took off his gloves and started biting on a particularly sharp nail. Hurry up hurry up hurry up, he chanted in his head. He wanted to get this over and done with as quickly as possible.

When the cleaners finally arrived, he didn't bother to wait for the cleaner to leave and he went straight to the underwear drawer, carefully feeling through the soft cotton. His eyes bulged out of his head as he felt something. He slowly slipped it out from between the folded underwear. It was a thin but dark envelope with some contents inside. He glanced at the window worriedly, as if Sehun might come back any moment now.

His fingers trembled as he reads what's inside the envelope, and he nearly drops it as he comprehends the meaning of the words printed on the papers. He could only reread it again and again, before he registered footsteps growing louder and louder, and a Sehun standing right at the door, a scary expression on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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