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Luhan didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. Wearing this hurt his man pride, a lot, but if he was honest, he did look utterly stunning. He grinned at the mirror, showing off a set of white pearly teeth. 

'Hey, stop falling in love with yourself.' Baekhyun said, walking into the spacious bathroom. 'It's flattering, but kind of weird.'

Luhan rolled his eyes. 'If you weren't all over Chanyeol, you'd be falling for me.'

Baekhyun snorted. 'I'm not over anyone. And stop being so up yourself!'

'Yah, yah, whatever. Anyway, I'll be leaving in ten minutes. You going to stay the night?'

Baekhyun shrugged. 'Probably. Can we come too?'

'Come where?'

'You know, to investigate Sehun.'

'What?! No way. You'd probably ruin everything -'

Baekhyun pouted.

'And Sehun might get suspicious. Anyway, I'm leaving now. And where's Chanyeol?'

Baekhyun swung his head around. 'No idea. The idiot's probably asleep.'

Luhan grinned. 'Well, bye.' He nudged Baekhyun. 'Have fun together, alone,'

'Yah! What are you implying, you -'

Baekhyun's protests were drowned out by Luhan's laughs as he walked out the door.

'Tell me all about it when you come back!' He heard Baekhyun yell.

Luhan stared at the map. He sucked at navigation, and it seemed that the journey to the place, Kingly's, consisted of a series of left and right turns, even though it was only five minutes away.

At about the fifth right turn, Luhan went crazy and took a cab. 

'Kingly's? That's only a minute away.' The middle aged driver said, eyebrows raised.

'Yah, whatever. You get money so you should be happy.'

The driver grimaced. 'I guess it's true that most pretty girls are stuck up.'

'Wh -' Luhan remembered how he looked and shut up, looking out the window. I guess not everyone are obsessed with beautiful women.

'Here, we're at Kingly's.' The taxi driver said.

Luhan nodded at him and jumped out the taxi. The place was huge, and way different from yesterday's club. You barely even knew a club existed at that place, whilst this place was huge and probably a place celebrities and richer people went to. But why would there be celebrities and rich people in Gangnam?

This time he didn't hesitate, as the club was close to a main highway and his hesitation would've being witnessed by dozens of passers-by.

This time, his - or should I say, her - arrival was noticed. Which was a great flattery, as Kingly was ten times bigger than Red Block. People's heads turned. Luhan swore he heard a low whistle. The guys looked like they were wolves waiting to tear into him. The ladies, however, looked him up and down with fiery envy.

Unlucky for the men, Luhan had his eyes on his target - Sehun, situated at the very back, alone, the only person in their that wasn't staring at him. As Luhan strutted towards the bored looking murderer, many men's faces darkened and turned away.

He heard whispers.

Did they know about Sehun? What's with this atmosphere...though the music was blasting so loudly he could feel the sound waves bouncing through the air particles, it felt like there was a split second of silence before everyone returned to what they were doing.

As Luhan neared him, he could see dark eyeliner on the guy, making him look dangerous. He was wearing a leather black jacket with tight black jeans, and silver ear cuffs.

He finally looked up to meet Luhan's stare.

He swore he saw a ghost of a smile on Sehun's face.

'You...' Luhan heard Sehun mutter softly in a husky tone.

Luhan boldly took a seat beside Sehun, looking at him with a seductive smirk. 'We haven't properly talked yet.'

Sehun stared Luhan's outfit with a bored gaze. 'Who cares about talking when I could do this?' He replied in the same sexy tone, leaning in and pushing his full lips onto Luhan's soft plump lips.

Luhan made a small surprised sound before pushing back and opening his lips slightly, teasing him, before breaking off the kiss abruptly.

Sehun stared at him/her, stunned. 'I've being waiting to do that since last night.'

Luhan grinned. Really now? He gave a teasing glance at Sehun.

'You seem to have a lot of experience...I wonder who the lucky guys were.'

He was flattering her a lot now, wasn't he? Luhan smiled at him and flung her wavy hair back. 'Not so lucky that I've left them. Looks like I don't have much competition today,' Luhan said casually, although his heart was starting to beat very fast, maybe from the many lies.

Or maybe because someone was making him feel a mix of emotions at the same time.

Sehun nodded. 'I couldn't be bothered with them today. They seemed simple and fake compared to you.' He stared straight into Luhan's eyes, putting an arm around his shoulder. Luhan shifted, trying to hide the sound of his loud heartbeats. 

If only he knew that Luhan was the most fake here.

'There's something about you...' Sehun breathed, his hot breath making Luhan's sensitive skin tingle.

Is this how he lured all those other victims?  Luhan wondered. Is he going to take me to his house and murder me right now?

'Do you want to get some drinks?' Sehun said suddenly, his voice changing.

No way. There's no way he would dare to poison me right now in such a public place with cameras at every corner. Even if he did, Luhan was familiar with a variety of different poisons. Even though, he wanted to see Sehun's reaction to his answer.

'Not particularly, I'm not in the mood.' Luhan said carefully.

'Really? That's good, I'm not either. Let's enjoy our space and time.'

Luhan sat up suddenly, breaking the physical contact between them. 'Time! That reminds me, I have to go early today. I apologise.' Luhan leaned in quickly, brushing his hand on Sehun's cheek in a burst of confidence as he pushed on to his lips, opening them and finally tasting his tongue. His whole body tingled, and was still tingling as he broke it off and was out the club, leaving Sehun staring after him with a gaze that could not be interpreted. 

Luhan didn't know why he left so abruptly either. Sehun was making him feel happy, uncomfortable and angry at the same time. His heart finally relaxed as he walked further from Kingly's. When he went over everything that happened just then, he realized Sehun was hardly surprised at his arrival.

Luhan brushed it off. He was too busy being relieved at escaping the terrible but addictive gaze of Sehun. When the aftereffects of Sehun finally wore off, he realized he had no idea where he was. He had unconsciously followed a stray cat, and now that cat has disappeared, he remembered his destination was the opposite way. 

Luhan sighed and walked to a nearby bench and waited for a cab. It was pretty dark by then, and cabs were occupied if there were any.

And that's when a figure sat down beside him. Luhan shifted to the side to give the stranger space, but nearly fell over when he saw that it wasn't a stranger. It was a tall and smirking Oh Sehun.

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