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Luhan couldn't help but admire Tao's work. He wasn't kidding - Tao was literally completely unrecognizable from this morning. That's good, because if Sehun saw him out and put two and two together...

But when I said Luhan "admired" Tao's work, I meant "drooling and nose bleeding". Tao grinned at Luhan from the mirror reflection. 'Dude, stop looking, you're making me embarrassed.'

Luhan snapped his eyes away instantly, slapping himself inwardly. When did I start to have a thing for a men lately? What's gotten into me?  He sighed, brushing back a long strand of wavy silk-like hair. It was a collection of really good wigs that Baekhyun had got him. Unconsciously, his thoughts started wandering over meeting Sehun for the first time in ages. Even though it's only being a night that Luhan hadn't seen him, to him it felt like forever.

What if he's already lost interest in me? What if he's already found another glamorous girl? Luhan frowned, clearly not happy with the thought. Luhan shook his head and ruffled his wavy brown hair. Trying to shake off the thoughts about the sexy beast, Luhan casually started a conversation with Tao, who was still combing his dirty blond hair with gel.

'So, how's Yifan?' Luhan smiled softly, looking very feminine.

To his surprise, Tao stiffened and gripped the comb so hard that his bones stuck out. 'Luhan. Tell me the truth, will you, for once?' Tao said bitterly. 'Do you still love him?'

Luhan looked Tao's eyes in the mirror, but Tao refused to look at him. 'What makes you think that? We were never even a thing.'

'Stop lying! We all know you two were hanging out together for two months in one room, what are you going to tell me for that? That you two were just "mates"?!! You think I'm stupid? Baekhyun told me he saw you two making out at a pub!'

Luhan looked at his hands, which were starting to shake in anger. 'He never liked me okay?! I was just his play thing!! He used me as a toy to make you jealous, Huang Zitao! I was nothing to him, so don't accuse me!!!'

Tao whipped his hair around and stared at Luhan. He had no words to say. Just bewildered anger barely controlled on his face. Luhan wasn't sure who that anger was directed at.

They barely exchanged any words on the way to the pub. Luhan wasn't sure how this was going to make Sehun jealous. Sure, Luhan looked absolutely stunning, and Tao was absolutely hot, but he was more focused on Sehun. Sehun was a thousand times more attractive than Tao. Sehun was a thousand times more stunning than Luhan, if he ever put on a wig and got into a dress.

'Kingly's.' Luhan said softly. There were many things that could end disastrously really easily, and Luhan, just thinking about all these things that could happen, made him feel sick.

Obviously Tao saw it too, because he put an arm around Luhan's slim waist and smiled. Luhan didn't know Tao could grin like this. So creepy. How was this jealousy plan going to work if Luhan is going to feel disgusted every time Tao did something?

'Don't worry so much, babe.' His words were like a rap. 'I'm here for you,'

'Even worse,' Luhan muttered, trying to lessen the stress.

'Aw, don't tease me, baby. Let's go in.'

Luhan wanted to yell 'wait!', but it was too late. the door was opened, and he was back in that familiar clubhouse. Where Sehun sat at the very back, alone and sipping cocktails.

It was as if Sehun sensed Luhan's presence. The murderer cracked his head a few times and turned his head around, straight towards the figure at the door. Their eyes met, and it was as if there were no distance between the two. As if Sehun was passionately eating Luhan with those eyes.

But the sharp gaze soon turned to the hand on Luhan's waist, and trailed up to the hand's owner. Tao saw the guy staring at him, and with a smirk, he pushed Luhan around and kissed him passionately. Luhan's eyes were so wide, you could see the entire galaxy in them.

He was disgusted, yes, and so was Tao. Even though Luhan was completely still and didn't kiss back, Tao forced himself down on Luhan, not by passion anymore, but by anger and desire directed for someone else. Tao imagined he was kissing his Yifan, even though he knew they would probably never kiss again. 

All of Tao's anger, he brought it out right now as he gripped Luhan's slim shoulders firmly. Tao saw it all. As soon as he saw the guy stare at Luhan, he made the connection. Their unspoken words and feelings were clear in their eyes. Even though Sehun's eyes were more clouded and masked, Tao still saw through him.

From the way Luhan had talked to him about Sehun to the way Sehun asked for Luhan at the cafe made the whole facade so clearly obvious. But Sehun was a murderer, and he will destroy Luhan if he went to close. But it looked genuine. Even though Sehun's eyes were clouded and carefully covered, he still looked genuine.

And Tao hated it. Hated that everybody fell for Luhan. Hated Luhan's pretty looks. Hated how even a murderer and a spy had a better relationship than he did.

The kiss ended after a few awfully long minutes, leaving Tao panting, and Luhan feeling sick. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that Sehun had stood up, and was walking towards them nonchalantly.

Sehun just stared at them as he walked over. It was Tao who first broke the silence.

'Who are you?'

Sehun just replied by grinning mockingly. 'I'd ask the same question.'

Tao tightened his grip around Luhan's waist. 'Who do you think?'

Luhan finally had the courage to speak up. 'He's my boyfriend,' 

Sehun's grin became more forced. 'Oh?'

'You got a problem with that? So you're the one who's being keeping my girlfriend here every night?'

Sehun sneered. 'Doesn't look like you cared that much. Who'd let their girl out so late at night without accompanying them anyway? You obviously haven't being paying her much attention if she comes to me every night.'

Tao growled.

Luhan wanted to puke. Sehun must have noticed, because he actually looked caring for a moment. This didn't go unnoticed by Tao.

'L-let's go,' Luhan whispered. 

Tao glared down at him. 'We've only being here for a few minutes, Lu. I want to see what type of places you were hanging around in without me.'

Luhan stared at Tao with desperate eyes. 'Please, hyung.'

Tao sighed. 'Whatever. Let's go.'

They heard Sehun scoff behind them as they left. Luhan really felt sick. That was a disaster.  And Luhan's just made a fool of himself. He'd thought Sehun would've being angered and surprisedand be smashing Tao with his fists or something. But of course, in his eyes, Luhan was just a thirsty slut. 

'That didn't go so bad -' Tao started.

'Shut up!' Luhan snarled. 'I told you we should've planned this. That was a wreck. Sehun...Sehun wasn't even jealous in the least. He barely even looked at me, with all that effort I took in dressing up. Don't - just don't talk to me right now.'

Tao glanced at Luhan with a curious expression. Either it was because his own make up skills were so good, or it was because Luhan actually looked cute as he whined like a little teenager in love.

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