Bubble Tea Guy

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The default alarm tone went off, making Luhan turning over and frantically grabbing at the spot where his phone normally rested. Finding it's target, his slim fingers quickly swiped, turning off the alarm and sliding back into the warm blankets to rest under Luhan's cheek.

All was peaceful in the small hotel room as sunlight flooded in, and birds chirped outside. Until a small thought entered his subconscious, waking him and throwing him out the bed.

'Arrgh,' he groaned to himself. 'I need to remember I'm on a mission! Not staying over at Tao's and waking up at noon.' He chewed his bottom lip thoughtfully before picking up his phone and dialed a number with a small grin on his face.

'Hey, panda!' He called, using a nickname that was given when the two first met.

Contrary to the cheerful greeting, the voice on the other line was a deep groan.

Luhan wasn't even worried. 'What happened this time?'

'Kris-hyung is so mean! He called me dumb...' The deflated voice said.

Luhan grinned to himself. 'Did he only just realize that? But, Tao, I need to ask a favour.'

The shocked voice on the other line yelped angrily. 'What?! Lu Han, you can't insult someone and ask them a favour in the same breath! That's unheard of!'

'Yah, yah, but can you help me? Please, I promise to look at your jewelry theft case later.' Luhan put on his aegyo face even though he knew Tao wouldn't see it.

'Ah whatever fine...what is it?'

'I ask you for assistance in capturing a murderer by overwhelming him. In other words, for you to act as a guy who wants me and tries to steal me away when I try to seduce the murderer.' Luhan said casually.


'Of course, I need to make sure he's fully hooked on to me first. Otherwise he'll just lose interest. Come the day after tomorrow. He'll definitely be seduced by then. '

After the call, Luhan went to his suitcase and took out one of his most treasured suit, a navy blue suit that made him look the most manly. But he stuffed it back in, not caring about creases as he shook his head. Yesterday's bubble tea guy wore a simple shirt and jeans. It will be weird if I showed up at a cafe in a suit as if waiting for a first date or something.

He quickly pulled on a casual white grey shirt and jeans, ruffling his blonde hair so it looked messy. He grinned approvingly at the reflection. I still look manly, he thought. Whistling to himself, he walked out the hotel and strolled down the street to the cafe where he met bubble tea guy the other day.

Luhan felt a bit anxious as he neared the small corner shop. What if he wasn't there? Then I'll have no one to talk to...ah, stop worrying, I'm not meant to be involved with anything other than focusing on my mission anyway.

But does Sehun really work here? Luhan sat down on a small table by the window and imagined Sehun serving a glass of bubble tea. The dark and hot beast aura wouldn't - and couldn't - mix with the happy cafe at all. People like Sehun just don't work in cute and happy cafes. People like Sehun are spoilt brats who feed off their parents' money and go to nightclubs, parties, bars...anything but a cafe in the morning.

Luhan hated that kind of people. Yet why was he seduced? Aish, who wouldn't be? That was just his hormones reacting, not himself. Luhan liked cute people. Not that he had much experience with dating...as a kid, he was always dumped, even though he was cute. Being baby when you were baby aged was utterly useless, so his looks were looked over.

He sighed, confidence draining away slowly. A voice suddenly jerked him to reality.

'Hey!' A cheerful bubbly voice called out.

Luhan looked up, alert. The person right in front of him, smiling like he just won the lotto smiled down at him.

'Bubble tea guy!' He exclaimed happily, excitement making him confident again.

'Is that how you remember me?' The tall and thin figure smiled goofily, sitting down in front of him.

'Well, you never told me your name!' Luhan's heart soared to know that bubble tea guy was here.

'Why should I? I don't give out my name to random customers.'

'Am I just a random customer?'

'Well, yes, you are a random customer, but I suppose you're special.'

Luhan beamed. 'How?'

In answer, he made a cute aegyo face. 'We're baby-faced brothers!'

Luhan put on a hurt face. 'Is that all?'


Luhan pouted.

'Yah, stop being cuter than me!' They laughed.

'I wish I was cuter than you,' Luhan remarked.

He raised his eyebrows. 'You think I'm cute?'

Luhan looked down quickly, flushing. This was the first time he'd felt so awkward when talking to a guy he liked. Wait - did he just admit - Luhan violently shook his head.

The guy looked hurt. 'You don't think I'm cute? Hmph.'

Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse. Luhan couldn't speak - talking when he was flustered would ruin him. Instead, he focused on how cute bubble tea guy looked when he humphed. That reminded him - 'You still haven't told me your name.'

The guy grinned at the change of topic. 'Well, since you don't think I'm special or cute, there's no reason for me to tell you my name.'

Luhan sighed at his defeat. He couldn't gain anything without losing something. 'Yah, whatever! I'm leaving. I have my pride, you know.'

The guy grinned triumphantly as Luhan walked out the cafe, ruffling his hair in the most cutest way.

He was sitting on his bed, chin resting stubbornly on his knees. He refused to admit that he had forgot - again - to find Sehun in the cafe. Because admitting to that would also mean that he will have to admit to being distracted by a cute and distracting crush. And no way was he going back to face bubble tea guy again after all the damage he's caused. He wanted to yell to him that 'NO, I AM NOT A SHY AND CLUMSY GUY, I AM A MANLY MAN!' But that would make his reputation worse.

He mushed his cheeks in annoyance - while noting delightedly that they were soft as silk - and made his mind to never return to that cafe. But he wanted to, desperately. Though he knew he would make a fool of himself in front of bubble tea guy - he refuses to call him his crush - he really wanted to go see him.

He groaned and laid down on his bed. Why did this have to happen when I was on mission? He can'r be infatuated with someone and seducing another! Ah, the things Luhan sacrifices for his job.

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