Baekhyun's Help

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Ah, thank the god of bubble tea that it was another bar this time. If Sehun was going to the same bar as yesterday, then Luhan'd have to face that cute and lost looking squirrel Min again. Not that he didn't want to see him, Luhan just felt awkward to see him after seducing a guy Minseok clearly disliked. Plus, he didn't know how much he saw. Did he see everything or just a part of it? Aish...why was Luhan worrying over so much boys right now? There wasn't time for that! Hopefully he'll seduce Sehun quickly, deliver him to the boss, and leave Gangnam as soon as possible, and never see Minseok again.

But he wanted to. Maybe he will return again, as a guy and not disguised as a girl.

Instead of worrying about all that, Luhan forced himself to return to focusing on choosing the perfect outfit. He wanted to look different tonight, as in, different from yesterday, from 'wow' to 'DAAAAAAMN'.

But even he lacked the skill to make himself look that stunning. The only person he could think of was the biggest diva he knew - Byun Baekhyun.

'Yah! Baek, you there?' Luhan yelled over the phone.

'Hmmm?!' There was a barely audible reply over the sound of video games.

'Yah, Baek, it's me!'

'Omo, omo, Lulu babe! Yah, haven't seen you in forever! Wassup? Still working in that top secret agency I suggested you do?'

'Yeah, yeah, but Baekie, I need some help -'

'Heeey!! Lululuuuu! Haven't seen you in like soooo long. Come over and play video games with us!!' A deep voice interrupted.

Luhan grinned. 'I should've known you were with Chanyeol.' He grinned as he heard muffled arguing in the background.

'Yah, he said he needed help, pabo! Plus he's all important and cool now, he doesn't have time to play video games anymore...'

'Aww, Lulu has all grown up,'

'Yah, hello?' Luhan said.

'Yeah, yeah, what help?'

'I need you to help me dress up as the most seductive girl in the world.' Luhan could see Baekhyun's grin getting wider.


'You look fabulous,' Baekhyun grinned.

For some reason, Luhan didn't believe him. 'I feel like you drew a clown face on me.'

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. 'You have trust issues.' He replied while finishing off the detailed eye shadow.

Luhan looked at his arms, which were covered in bangles. 'Are you sure these are necessary, Baek?'

Baekhyun glanced briefly at the metal bangles that clanged and made a cacophony whenever Luhan moved them. 'Well, maybe not. You don't want him distracted by anything other than you.'

Luhan sighed. Thank the bubble tea god...

Faintly, they heard a toilet flushing, and suddenly, a tall and clumsy grinning man jumped in the room. 'Hey, I'm back -' He took one glance at Luhan before bursting into laughter, holding his stomach and falling to the floor. Just as he almost stopped laughing, he looked up, saw Luhan again and began laughing uncontrollably.

Baekhyun stared at the rolling figure, feeling insulted.

'You drew a clown face on me, didn't you?' Luhan said flatly.

Chanyeol looked up, tears coming out of his eyes. 'N-no, I'm - it's just - you look so different and those bangles -' He hiccuped, trembling from laughter.

Luhan looked at him with distrust.

Baekhyun sighed. 'Fine, fine, okay, maybe I shouldn't have given you bangles. How about lace? Fishnet?'

Chanyeol closed his mouth, holding back giggles at the suggestions.

Baekhyun glared at him with those you're-not-helping looks.

'Well, we could go shopping and buy something...' Chanyeol suggested.

Baekhyun instantly brightened. 'Great idea! Let's go then, I really need to buy some more stuff for Luhan's hair, since it's a wig and all, it needs special stuff. Come on, Chan-Chan,' He beckoned, gathering his things.

'Wait, what about me?' Luhan asked, unable to move due to Baekhyun's orders.

'Stay here, exactly still until we come back,' He instructed, pushing Chanyeol out the door.

'What?!' Luhan exclaimed.

'Sorry, Lulu!' Chanyeol called from outside.

'Aish...' Luhan sighed as the door shut on him. 'I just know Baekhyun is going to take this chance and buy some kind of bikini or something...'

Tao knew Luhan had asked him to come two days later, but he told A that Luhan needed him right now, and came here. Instead of going to Luhan straight away though, he went to another hotel, a smaller and mostly unnoticed building.

The trains has changed, he realized. They're so much faster than before, and had a modern design. Tao felt sad at these changes. He once made a wish here, a long time ago, yet he is unsure if his wish will ever come true.

He wished he could come here again, next time with someone else, someone whom he had shared his most precious moments with. Tao had thought he'd righted him and showed him the truth. But it seemed like he was further away than ever.

Sometimes, he really doesn't understand all this, J.E.M and MSK. Sometimes he doesn't even know who's evil or not anymore. Or if anyone was ever good in this whole thing. Sometimes he thinks he himself is the bad guy.

The only thing that kept Luhan sane as he waited for Baekhyun and Chanyeol was promising himself to kill those two when they came back, multiple times.

Just when he was about to rip off his dress and see if they had died or something, the door slammed open and a load of bags walked in. You could barely see Chanyeol, let alone short Baekhyun because of all the products they bought.

Luhan, who was going to yell at them, was completely stunned. 'What is all this...' He stared at the heap of bags occasionally with famous brand names printed on.

Baekhyun fixed his fringe. 'You're paying for it, hyung.' He threw the bags down carelessly and jumped on to the single bed. Chanyeol was grinning happily.

Luhan eyed him suspiciously. 'Why're you so happy?'

'Uh, oh, ah nothing. Really.' He tried to curve his grin downwards and turned away, trying not to laugh.

Luhan knew there was something wrong. He crept towards the bags and opened the one closest to him. To reveal a shoulder revealing miniskirt. He gaped, turning to Baekhyun.

'How am I supposed to wear this?!' He demanded in a shrill voice.

Baekhyun looked at it briefly. 'Oh, that's why I got you some things. Open that black and white bag.'

Luhan had an idea of what it was, and he was grimacing just thinking about it. Reaching over to the small black and white checkered bag, a box and a lacy black underwear set toppled out. Chanyeol couldn't help it any longer and burst out laughing uncontrollably.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes at the immaturity and beckoned for Luhan to open the small box.

Two bra cups nestled in the fancy box like treasure in a treasure chest.

Luhan couldn't speak.

'Well, since it's part of your work, you need to make it so that the person trust you completely. This is your work tools, Lu, for this particular kind of work.' Baekhyun said as his excuse, but Luhan knew he only bought these so he could take pictures and torment him for the rest of his life.

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