Chapter 1

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-hope you like and I don't disappoint. It was done on my phone so sorry for any mistakes what so ever...  



-Louis' P.O.V.

"No you read it! It's yours! It has YOUR name on it!" my twin, Lytle says shoving the envelope back into my hands. 

"No you please!" I plead throwing it back at her. 

She rolls her cerulean blue eyes, identical to mine, at me. I stomp my foot. "You're such a child Lou-Lou" she says annoyed. 

I huff then pout. "Please I am scared!" I say putting on the best puppy dog face I could make. She won't be able to resist the look, I know her. 

"Fine." she huffs. She tears open the envelope quickly yet carefully. 

I smirk inwardly at my victory. 

Her eyes scan over the paper at a rapid pace. She looks at me then back down at the paper, her face expressionless. I hate that she has the best poker face in the world. It's not fair. Nope not at all. 

"Dear Louis Tomlinson," she begins to read the letter out loud. I close my eyes readying myself for rejection. "We are please to inform you of your admission acceptance into Lancaster Academy..." 

My eyes widen. What? "I have been accepted?" I breathe out, still in major shock. "I got accepted?! Oh my god Lytle you better not be shitting with me!" 

I looked at her trying to see if she was playing around with me. She shook her head vigorously, her eyes shone with honesty and happiness. 

She squeals, "You've been accepted Lou! Oh my fu-" 

"Don't you dare finish that word young lady." I hear my mum say from the doorway of my room. I looked at her, a scowl was etched onto her face as she glared at my sister. "Now what on earth is going on for your sister to use such bad language?" she asked me, her face softening when she turned to me. 

I grinned. "Mum I got accepted into Lancaster!" 

She rose an eyebrow, Lytle handed her the thick and official looking paper. A smile spread across her face as she read but before she could say anything the rest of my siblings ran into my room. 

"What's going on?" asked Lottie. 

"Lou-Lou is going to Lancaster!" Lytle yelled excitedly. They all squealed in return, engulfing me into a tight 'group' hug, they began to congratulate and praise me. I loved and on top of the world. 

"I am going to miss you Lou-Lou." I hear a small voice exclaim. I turn to look at Daisy one of my youngest sisters. 

I look at each of them from youngest to eldest. The youngest being the other set of twins Daisy and Phoebe, 6 years old with blonde hair and brown eyes. They were the cutest, sweetest, and the most devious little girls in the world. Next is Fizz, 12 years old, brown eyes and hair, she is just like me, personality wise. We were both the quiet and shy ones who usually kept to ourselves. After her was Lottie, 14 years old and thinks she knows it all, blonde hair and baby blue eyes. She is usually distracted by her phone and friends. She is a very sociable person just like my twin. Which brings me to the last but certainly not least, my twin Lytle. Honey coloured hair with big cerulean blue eyes identical to mine. That is probably the only thing we have in common. We were exact opposites, she was the athlete and I was the nerd. She had friends everywhere and I only had her. But I love her all the same even with her rude and sarcastic -not to mention sometimes mean - ways. She was also crazy, loud, outspoken, and honestly everything I ever wanted to be. But who am I kidding I'll never be as cool as she is. 

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