Chapter 8

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-Ahh sorry I havent updated early, I just get to caught up with other books... sorry for any mistakes whatsoever. I will better edit this when I can. Sorry its so short but I hope you like it. Thank you so very much for reading this it makes me so unbelievably happy.

Disclaimer! I do not own the boys or any celebrities used in the making of this book. Nor do I make any money by publishing this I only write for pleasure.

Warnings! I cant think of any... oh uh it has some of the prologue in it...



Louis' P.O.V.

Left right... left right... ahh watch out for- wait what is that? Disgusting! That's poop. Who in their right mind leaves a pile of poop on the ground. Left right, left righ- what's that noise? Is someone crying?

I look up and notice a person in a fetal position on the cement. I walk up cautiously, lighting the area with my phone. It was dark and I have no flashlight so sue me for trying to be careful, I mean I just almost stepped on poop. I notice the brown blonde tipped hair of Niall. I throw all calmness out the window and rush to over to him checking his body for any injuries whatsoever. I find none. "Niall! Niall what the heck happend?!" I ask bewildered never had I imagined such a bubbly and energetic person to be crying their eyes out gasping for air, in the middle of the cold cement walkway in a not so generous weather.

"L-Lou? I-I, h-he... I-I no more. Hide he. LOUIS!" He wailed and suddenly flung himself at me. Not prepared for the sudden attack -and no it was definitely not my lack of muscles- I stagger back and fall onto my precious bum that was sure to bruise now. What? Don't judge me, I am delicate.

"He who? Did someone hit you? Niall why in heavens name are you crying like this?!" Apparently these were not the questions I should have asked because they send the poor Irishman into another cring fit, if my now-soaked-in-tears-and-covered-in-snot shirt were anything to go by. "Niall come on mate, let's get you to my room and then... then we'll cross that bridge when we get there yeah?" I say rubbing circles across the span of his back.

I barely notice but he nods his head, still gripping tightly at my shirt. I'm perfect for comforting my sisters I hope I am as good with strangers. Well Niall isn't really much of a stranger but I've never really seen him go through something like this, it'll be a learning experience I guess. As I have already -sort of- admitted to my 'lack' of muscles, carrying the boy was tough but thank the heavens it was doable, and there would be a functioning elevator that would be a helping me loads.

His grip on me tightens as we walk into the dormitory building, out of the cold and into the warm air. Great. Today has just been great. Splendid. Not only did I almost step on poop, bruise my bum, but now I am short a shirt. What a day.


I walk into my dorm with a hysterical Niall hanging off of my neck. I see Liddo sprawled on the floor in front of the turned off telly. Various types of candies and junk food scattered around her but she was alone. What happend to movie night? From my understanding everything was set for today, Liddo had even prepared different movies from her extensive movie collection for tonight. I was looking forward to some good ole cuddling with my twin and best friend.

She springs up as she hears the crying. She runs to us, lifts Niall off of me and sets him on the couch. He crumbles again in her arms I go to wrap myself around them as well. Poor Niall I wonder what happend. I absolutely hate seeing people like this, it just stresses me out and then I begin to worry and then I get a stupid panic attack. And Niall especially does not deserve to be crying it's starting to sicken me. Crap crap crap, breathe, breathe. In and out. In and out.

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