Chapter 4

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Well as promised here is the next installment of Only Mine. I hope you guys enjoy, I liked writing this little chappie. So yeah Please keep voting and reading I hope you guys soon comment! I wrote this on my phone so again sorry for any mistakes and or errors.

Disclaimer! I do not in any way own the boys or any celebrity used in the making of this book. The story idea is completely my own. I do not make any money writing this I write purely for pleasure! 

Warnings! This is a boyxboy book with girlxgirl, if you don't like it then why read it? There isn't much going on just yet but it's soo fluffy! 

Enjoy Duckies! (:


Harry's P.O.V

"AND THE WINNERS ARE THE BLUE TEAM!" The football coach, Coach Forestt, yells. I bend down to rest, placing my hands on my knees, panting. 

I was captain of the blue team, the winning team of course. Yes, it is only a scrimmage game against our own team members but it still felt great to win. 

"Harry keep up the fast movements with your feet. I like your fake left turn back then right back left, Walters had no clue what you were doing or what to do. Use the trick in the next game boy." Coach Forestt praised me. I smiled and jogged the sidelines where my stuff was on the metal bench. I dug through my dark blue/ dark green sports bag, until I found my water bottle at the very bottom. 

I unclapsed the top and chugged about half of it. I turn back to the field trying to locate my friends when I notice a familiar small boy and the honey coloured hair girl were talking to my coach. 

The small boy was wearing a navy blue hoodie that was slightly too big for him, dark jeans, and white Vans. He was kicking the ground but was paying attention to Coach Forestt. 

I step towards them but Zayn steps infront of me blocking my way and view. "Harry good job mate, that trick was sick dude. We are going to head back to the dorm and watch a movie man. Lets go." He grabs my arm hauling me away from the boy and towards the dorm buildings. I sigh remembering the boy from the morning and in the food court. 

I turn back and see that Niall, my supposedly best friend, has his arm over both the girl and the boy. I glare at him, but as oblivious as his always is he doesn't notice me. What about Zayn?! I still haven't confronted him or Liam about the boy yet. But I will. 

I let myself be dragged to the dorm building, up the elevator and to my room. My thoughts stuck on those big cerulean blue eyes.


"Students, I won't be here for the rest of the week my sister, as some of you may know, is having her first born and requested that I be there. So you guys will be in Ms.Thorn's drama class." Coach Forestt, who is also my criminal justice teacher, says. The class of almost all boys -except for Perrie, Leigh-Anne, and Jesy- start to wolf whistle and howl. Coach Forestt and Ms.Thorn fancy each other. Both are relatively young, early thirties possibly not even, and both good looking too. Coach was tall and had dark hair with brown eyes, Ms.Thorn was a small woman with blonde hair and brown eyes as well, both made a good couple. "Enough of that! Gather your crap, you guys better be nice to her. We are thinking of combining our classes to make the big project we talked about together, so shut it and it might happen." He huffs. We laugh again but follow his orders. 

We walk down the empty hallway towards the drama wing. They have a huge classroom with a small stage, storage rooms for their props, music rooms, and a practice auditorium. The real auditorium is closer to the main gymnasium. The drama wing was far but close enough to my criminal justice class that it only took about 5 minutes to get there. I would have taken drama because music was included and I love music, but I would lose points in popularity for even thinking about joining either. Instead I joined the next best thing, criminal justice/law enforcement; where we learned about laws, drugs, how to arrest people, watch detective shows, and stuff like that. It is pretty cool because we dress up and act out scenes arresting people -and yes it's kinda like drama but it really isn't- I have actually tackled someone and handcuffed them, it was fun. And the best thing about my class was that all my best friends were in it and there were no bitchy girlfiends. 

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