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You're Hurting Me

Chapter Four:Betrayal


"I think we should break up."

I think my heart actually skipped for a second. I stared at him. He wants to break up with me?

"W-Why? D-did I do something wrong?" I couldn't get anymore words out. I didn't understand.

" It's not you Misaki it's me. You've done nothing wrong Misaki. I'm the one with the flaws in this relationship."

He looked at me his face was blank but his eyes told me another story. They were sad and full of emotion. Emotions that I haven't seen him show in awhile.

" Usagi I love you. I don't want to break up with you. We've had some ups and downs but it's nothing we can't handle."

I pleaded with him. I love him. I can't just let him go. Sure I might be afraid of him but the man I fell in love with is still in there. I just have to find him.

"Misaki I understand what you're trying to do but lets face it. This isn't a healthy relationship." I was gonna argue but he beat me to it. "Look at what I've put you through Misaki."

"I know but its not that bad. I know you love me. You still love me right?" Usagi gave me a sad look. He could tell I was pretending. He could see that I was slowly falling apart.

"Misaki I love you. But we can't go on like this. We can't be in a relationship where I'm causing you pain." I looked into his eyes and he looked away. I could feel something was off.

"What are you not telling me? You're avoiding saying something what is it?" I watched him as his eyes locked with mine.

"Misaki..I'm sorry..I truly do love you." He keeps saying that. Does he really mean it though? He looked away once again.

"If you love me why are you doing this? Why do you want to toss me aside?" He still wasn't looking at me.

"How can you say that you love me? Then not tell me the truth?" I was gonna continue my rant. But there was something unsettling growing in this conversation.

"Why do you want to make me hate you?" Usagi flinched slightly.

"Misaki I'm sorry..I just didn't know how to tell you." I was confused.

"What is it you can't tell me?" I don't think I could've ever been ready for what he was gonna say. Still I braced myself for the worst. It couldn't be that bad though I'm sure. Its not like he would...

"There's...someone else Misaki."

He's cheating on me?

"Y-You're joking...right? T-This is a joke right." It wasn't that I couldn't believe it. It made complete I just didn't want to believe it. He's cheating on me. On a list of things I'd expect him to do this was one of the last.

"Misaki..I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to go this far." I looked down trying to hide how hurt I was. Sorry? He acts like he knows the meaning of the word. When I spoke again my voice was barely above a whisper.

"Bullshit Usagi. You knew what you were doing and you're far from sorry. As if you actually care how I feel."

I was drowning in anger. After everything he's done to me. After I tried so hard to pass his abuse and neglect off like it was nothing. I still can't help but love him.

"Misaki..please..don't act this way."

I actually laughed a little. "Don't act what way Usagi? Don't act the way I feel? Why? Why do I constantly have to change myself so that you'll love me the way you use to? Why don't you love me anymore?"

"Misaki..I do love you..I just.."

I could feel the tears coming. I sighed my breath already shaky. "I'm sick of pretending. How long have you been doing this?" I looked at him waiting for my questions to be answered. He hesitated.

"Well?" I was slowly growing impatient. My emotions were running rampant. And my body felt numb. He sighed.

"Four months..Misaki please understand.."

"So I'm not good enough anymore? You say you're sorry but you continue doing the same thing. Over and over waiting for a different result. How can you look me in my face lie? How can you even think about saying you love me?"

I didn't care anymore. I didn't care what he did. I didn't care what he said. Nothing could fix this.

"It's done. We're done then. That's what you wanted. So I guess it's over." I got up heading back upstairs. I needed to be alone.

"Misaki wait..please..let me explain." He grabbed me. Without a second thought I turned around and slapped him with all the force I could muster. Usagi was in shock. His eyes were wide open in surprise.

"Don't touch me. I've done my waiting Usagi. You wanted it over and now it's over. You should be happy. You're happy right?" I felt tears forming.


I pulled away for him going to my room locking the door behind me. I sat in there for hours. It's not like I had a reason to leave. I heard the front door open and shut awhile ago. Usagi had left. He was probably going to meet his new lover.

I sighed softly not wanting to think about it. It still hurt to breathe deeply. I decided to just take some pain medicine to numb the pain. It was around 10 P.M. So I went to bed.

A loud thud woke me up a few hours later. I checked my alarm clock by my bed. It was 2 A.M. I decided to ignore it thinking it was just Usagi finally coming home. It wasn't unusual for him to come home late. I could hear someone coming up the stairs. Then I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"I think you drank way to much Aki." Who is that?I tried listening closer.

"I t-told y-You not to call me that."

The other person laughed softly. "Awe but its so cute. I know you like it." Is that him? I opened my door a bit just to peek out. Usagi was draped over a this unknown man's shoulders.

The man helped Usagi to his room. I watched intently. How did this guy even know the house. I relied on my hearing since I couldn't see them anymore. I could only hear muffled voices. So I chose to get closer.

I quietly walked from my room to Usagi's and listened by the door.

"Come on Aki I can tell you want to do it." They wouldn't?

"We can't Damien you'll wake Misaki. You know you like to scream."I heard Usagi laugh.

So his name is Damien? Well at least Usagi has some control.

"But on second thought. I want you so bad." I sighed softly. I should've seen that coming.

I was deep in thought until a sound from behind Usagi's door caught my attention. "I'll stay quiet I promise. Please Aki I need you." I blushed softly. I was I really gonna sit and listen to this?

Unbelievably yes I did. I sat outside his door and listened the whole time. It made me feel sick. They weren't at all quiet. But no that wasn't it. I was getting ready to walk away when I heard something else.

"Aki you don't still have feelings for him do you?" What was he going to say? I wished he would say he did have feelings for me. Maybe that would ease this pain. I just waited for his reply.

"No there's nothing left for he and I."

I felt like my heart had stopped and shattered into hundreds of pieces. This is coming from a man that hours ago told me he loved me. What happened to us? Where did we go wrong? I walked silently back to my room and closed my door as quietly as possible. Then I just let my tears flow.

'So this is what heartbreak feels like.'


Poor Misaki (._.)

You're Hurting Me (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now