New Love???

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You're Hurting Me

Chapter 6: New Love


The last thing I remember was the ambulance sirens.

When I woke up my head was pounding. The room was dimly lit, but the light still stung my eyes. I heard the steady beat of a heart monitor. I took in the surroundings of the room. I saw Damien asleep in a chair across the room. His face had a bandage on his nose.

I smiled little laughing on the inside about the pain I caused him. 'That bastard deserved it' I thought to myself. Usagi was sleeping in the chair closest to my bed.I sighed softly thinking back on what happened. My memory was alittle fuzzy. I can only remember what happened just before I passed out.

It's not like I wanted to remember. I looked down seeing that Usagi was holding my hand. I don't want him to touch me. Each time he touches me I end up hurting.I frowned pulling away. The swift action woke Usagi from his slumber. He looked at me and I looked back. We held each others gaze for a moment until I finally looked away.

 "H-How are you feeling Misaki?"

I sighed. 

"You want me to lie or tell the truth?" Usagi sighed biting his lip. 

"The truth."

 I looked at him. I wondered if he could feel how much I'm hurting. Or if he could see the pain behind my emerald eyes.

 " I'm not happy.I feel like shit okay. I wish I didn't wake up. And worst of all I'm tired of you pretending to care." He tried to hold my hand but I pulled away again. He frowned at the gesture. "I don't want you to touch me."

"Misaki I'm really so-"

"I rather you not apologize if you don't mean it." I looked at the ceiling. I heard him try to say some things.

The door to the room opened and a nurse came in. And I know I felt like crap, but God he was gorgeous. I attempted not to stare so Usagi wouldn't notice. He smiled at me and looked at the clipboard in his hand. 

"Hello Misaki. I'm Alex and I'll be your regular nurse while you're here at the hospital."

Alex was alittle taller than me. He was muscular but not bulky. He had short dark brown hair and blue eyes. To avoid making it aware that I was staring I tried to change the subject. "Nice to meet you Alex. So what happened?"

"Well your right lung was punctured by two broken ribs. They seem to have been broken prior to this injury." He looked concerned. I glance at Usagi who looks up at me. Then I looked away sighing.

"I'm really clumsy. I feel down the stairs at home. I didn't think it is was that serious." I don't know why I'm protecting him. I mean he's done nothing to deserve it. "So when can I leave?"

"It'll take about a week or two. You have to be monitored. You're on a breathing machine. You'll be out of here in no time." Alex smiled brightly at me. I smiled back. Then he leaves after doing a brief vitals check. I could feel Usagi's glare, but I simply ignored it.

I didn't know I was still smiling after he left. "Was that supposed to be you flirting with him?" I looked at Usagi frowning then looked away. "Go to hell Usagi." After all of this he wants to try and be jealous?

"Misaki please. Can't you just forgive me and stop being so arrogant?" He is really pushing it. He just doesn't know when to leave someone alone. 

"Why would I even think about forgiving you? You've done nothing to deserve it."

"Come on Misaki. This isn't even my fault. If you weren't so stubborn to begin with none of this would've happened." Is he serious? Are we really gonna do this again? How much of a conceited asshole can he possibly be? 

"I'm done with this Usagi. It's like you don't hear the bullshit coming out of your own mouth. Are you seriously going to insist that I'm the one at fault? I'm sure that I'm the one that's lying in a fucking hospital bed."

I looked at him he was obviously upset. I truly didn't care.

 "Why you keep trying to make amends with me when you've clearly moved on? It's not like you care." I looked at Damien who as if on que woke up.

 "Misaki I do care." I laughed.

"I have 2 broken ribs and a punctured lung because of you. You cared so much you had to put me in the fucking hospital?" He didn't have much else to say. I sighed softly. "Can you just leave? And take scar face over there with you."

Damien glared at me. I just flashed a small smile. "Fine Misaki. We're leaving, but we're going to talk about this later. He got up from his chair and went to the door. And Damien followed suit. Before they left I had to make something clear. 

"Usagi wait." He looked at me.

"There's nothing left to talk about so don't come back."

Usagi sighed leaving taking Damien with him. I finally relaxed after they were gone. I thought about everything that we'd been through. We used to be so happy together.

I sighed closing my eyes for a moment. I heard the door to the room open. I opened my eyes slowly. It was Alex he smiled at me. 

"I was just coming to check on you. And see if you needed anything." I smiled back. 

"I'm fine I don't need anything."

He came over to the chair Usagi had been in and sat down. "I overheard part of you and Mr. Usami's conversation." I frowned slightly looking away. 

"It wasn't anything important just a small argument."

He looked at me seemingly unconvinced. "You know Misaki you can talk to me. I won't tell anyone. It'll be between you and me. You can't hide behind that mask forever. " He smiled at me again. God his smile was so perfect.

"Thanks." We talked for awhile. Somehow I ended up telling him everything. I told him about the stuff between me and Usagi. There were some tears here and there. He stayed and comforted me.

He rubbed my back till I calmed down. Then he'd help me laugh it off. He was a really nice guy. He left when his shift was over. He came back to say goodbye before he went home.

I smiled after he left. It was a real smile. I was happy that I didn't have to force it like I usual. I'd forgotten how it felt to have a peaceful conversation.

The next day I woke up seeing flowers with a tiny note on it beside my bed. I smiled sitting up to read it.

'Dear Misaki,

It was nice talking to you yesterday. I really enjoyed being in your company. I hope you like the flowers.

Sincerely, Alex.

P.S. we should hangout sometime when you get out the hospital.' I smiled putting the card back in the flowers. I took one a smelled it. I love fresh flowers.

 "So I take it you like them."

 I blushed a little looking at the door. Alex was standing there with his prefect smile on his face. I smiled back.

"Yea I like them. Thanks. They're beautiful by the way." He came over to check on me. We talked as he checked my vitals. Then we talked a little while longer until he had to leave.

He came back later in the day bringing me food and the medicine that I needed to take. He was so much fun to be around. He was funny. He was kind,smart,and caring. He made me feel like nothing was wrong.

I think I was starting to feel happy again.


You're Hurting Me (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora