I Love You...

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Chapter 12: I Love You

Warning(s):Usagi is super cray cray. There may or may not be a character death or two. You'll just have to read and see.

Disclaimer: I only own the plot, Alex, and Damien.
I won't say I'm in love.

Okay maybe I will.

It's been a month since the incident between Damien and Usagi. Usagi got bailed out of jail by Aikawa. Damien was fine and decided to press charges against Usagi.

I don't blame him either. Usagi blames me for him being in this situation. It's not my fault he became a complete psycho.

Alex and I have made it official. We've been dating since he told me he loved me. I haven't said it back yet which makes me feel kind of bad.

I'm just waiting for the right moment. Alex says it's okay since he doesn't want to rush it. I deeply appreciate that. I really do think I love him though.

He let me move in with him. He helped me get all my stuff from Usagi's house while he was at work. Usagi called me later asking where all my stuff had gone.

I simply told him I had moved out and hung up. I was finally done with that chapter of life.

Since it was our one month anniversary I wanted to do something special. Alex was gonna be home late from work so I had time to get everything ready.

I bought him a watch with his name engraved on it. I made tons of romantic food. I even bought flowers. Baby romanticas happened to be both our favorites.

Tonight was gonna be perfect. I'd spent the last hour making sure every little thing was perfect. The table set with all the food and flowers. An unlit candle on each side of the table.

It was like a scene from a romantic movie.

After making sure everything was perfect I decided to take a shower. I was about to go to the bathroom when I heard a knock on the door.

I quickly made my way to the door expecting it to be Alex. It wasn't until after I opened the door that I realized he wouldn't be knocking.

It's his house after all. He would obviously have a key.The door was suddenly pushed open causing me to stumble and fall.

"Hey Misaki long time no see."

I was starting to get back up when I saw who the intruder was.


He kicked me in the side making me fall again. I tried to catch me breath sincethe wind was knocked out of me.

I grunted in pain. "W-what do you want Usagi? What the hell is your problem?" I coughed slightly.

I looked up to meet his eyes and fear spread through my body. He had this sadistic smirk on his face. I didn't know what he was planing to do.

I immediately knew this wouldn't end well.

He laughed seeing my scared expression. "You ask me what I want. The answer is simple Misaki." He knelt next to me. I flinched when he caressed my face.

"I want you. My precious Misaki." I pushed him away from me.

"I'm not a possession you sorry asshole. Now get out of my house. I don't want you to ruin the rest of my evening."

He frowned at me. But the frown soon turned into a menacing smirk.

"Fine Misaki. But if I can't have you no one can."

Everything after that was a blur. I remember Usagi attacking me and beating me. When he went to the kitchen I tried to run for it.

He chased me around the house with a steak knife. It was like a real life horror movie. He blocked me each time I ran towards an exit.

I tripped over something and fell which gave him the opportunity to catch me. He got on top of me holding me down with the knife pressed to my neck. I was scared.

No, more like terrified of what he'd do.

I didn't want this. I don't want to die without telling Alex that I love him. I can not die without saying those three little words.

"Awe what's with the sad face Misaki? Are you scared? Do you wish your boyfriend was here to save you?" I started shaking and looked away from him.

"Answer me you fucking slut!"

I screamed when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. He had stabbed me. He's planning on killing me. I screamed again when he pulled the knife out. I clutched my stomach instinctively.

I cringed feeling the warm blood pass through my fingers. Me throat and lungs burning in unison. Tears rolled down my face nonstop.

It hurts..

Was this the end? I panted deeply trying to catch my breath. Usagi flashed his sadistic grin at me. I was losing alot of blood. Everything was becoming hazy. "W-Why a-are you doing t-this to m-me?"

He began petting my face with the knife. "Why you ask? Because I love you Misaki." I was so weak and my body felt numb. "Y-You don't know h-how t-to love s-someone. A-All you d-do is hurt p-people."

He stabbed me again with more force this time. He pulled the knife out throwing it to the floor. He got off me while I lay gasping for air. He was leaving for the door when he said. "Maybe I should take a trip to visit your boyfriend. I'm sure he'd be more then happy to join you in the afterlife."

I heard that and my body moved on its own. Ignoring the pain I was in I got up going after him. Since I was fueled by adrenaline I tackled him to the ground stabbing him repeatedly. He tried pushing me away, but I wasn't having it. He's not going to hurt the person I love.

"I won't let you hurt him! I love him more than I every loved you! I'm not letting you ruin my life anymore!" I stopped because I'd ran out of energy. I let the knife fall from my trembling hands. "I-I'm s-sorry Misaki. I-I never w-wanted to h-hurt y-you."

His last words.

His last words were to tell me he loved me. His blood stained the floor and so did mine. I collapsed on the floor. I couldn't move. The phone was to far away for me to call for help. The only thing running through my head was Alex doesn't know I love him.

If I die here he'll never know how much I love him. I cried which I knew was a waste of energy. I didn't want him to come home and see two dead bodies on his floor. Yet there wasn't anything I could do about it. I'd lost way to much blood. I wouldn't last much longer.

I need him to know. He needs to know how I feel. I looked at my bloody hands. My blood it's so red. Almost a pretty shade of red too. I used my last bit of strength to write him a message in my blood. Even though it was gross.

The message read...

"Happy Anniversary Alex. I love you.

Sorry for any and all grammatical errors. I was in a mood and had to write a chapter. Sorry for taking so long to update. But I would like to thank those who read, voted, and followed my story. Til next time toodles (:

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