The Dream Woman

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Author's Note: *whistles* Wow, this chapter is weird. Lots of plot hints, random rhymes, and some writer's blocks. So much and so little happens in this chapter, if you get my meaning. But it also makes me sad when I find people not reading my notes. :( I give my time to explain all the possible questions, but someone always ASKS WHAT I ALREADY EXPLAINED! Ahem, sorry... It just upsets me. Anyway, please enjoy and point out any errors I make! SAPPHIRE OUT!

Warning: Mild language, OCs, or possible genderbends will be used! Don't like, please move along and don't read~

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia! If I did, I probably wouldn't be writing this. xD


Chapter Five: The Dream Woman

Matthew's face felt awkward from the dirt and sweat mixed together in a clumps on his face. His lungs burned for oxygen and his legs were sore from holding onto Rain for so long. He would have to make camp soon. Soon translating to now. He was just pulling Rain into a slow trot when he heard a few voices in the distance...

" that thing from Britain!"

"Don't blame it on me, ve~ I thought you would help me translate it!"

Matthew pulled his horse to a stop in front of two men. It was clearly obvious that they were twins, both of them having auburn hair, a strange curl, and the same facial structure. What set them apart were the expressions. One seemed to be fuming with rage, while the other had slight baby fat around the cheeks, and looked to be quite carefree.

The moment Rain stopped, they both looked up at Matthew. Their eyes widened in complete, pure shock. Romano dropped the tomato that he had still had in his hands and Italy's eyes opened, which was a very rare thing to see.

"E-Excuse me, eh... But do you mind if I camp here tonight?"

"VEEEEEE! IT'S A GHOST! ROMANO, HELP ME!" Italy screamed and jumped behind his brother.


"Wait a minute..." Matthew murmured, the name striking a small cord in his memories, "Did you say Italies? You wouldn't happen to be friends of America and Britain, then, would you?" He remembered vaguely that when America was explaining his death, he had said that 'Italy' was the one resetting the timeline.

Matthew jumped off Rain and gave the two a small smile, "Relax, friends. I am not a ghost, nor am I a demon. Although I'm not entirely sure how it works out, I've simply been reborn here. At least, that's what Britain and America tell me."

"R-Reborn?" Italy murmured, his lithe body still shaking from fear.

"So it's those idiotas' fault that we're here! They must've known that Veneziano would read that note!" Romano shouted in accusation, "Those son-"

Italy had picked up the fallen tomato and stuffed it in his brother's mouth, "Language, fratello!"

Romano spat the dirty, red fruit out, "I'll use whatever language I want!"

"E-Excuse me," Matthew coughed awkwardly, gaining the Italian brothers' attention once more, "I have to run from town. If you could go back on the path to town and give America and Britain a message, I would be most grateful. I don't have the slightest clue when Flying Mint Bunny will be able to catch up with me."

"Ve~ Sure thing!" Italy agreed instantly, even though his brother still glared at Matthew with distrust evident in his hazel eyes.

"Well, it's a bit long, so pay attention."

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