The Prophecy

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Chapter Six: The Prophecy

"My father... has been kidnapped?" Matthew asked in shock.

"I am afraid so," Kayla affirmed, "But even if you want to go after him, you cannot. You must continue on to Midnight for protection. The best trumps have been put to work for finding your father and the Ace."

"Why?! Why can't I help? Why do I even need protection? I'm the Prince of Hearts! I am the heir to the throne and have been trained as such! I do not need protection!" Mathew snapped angrily and clenched his fists. Kayla shrunk at being yelled at, but didn't waver. She suddenly flew up into the air as if it were nothing and and came face to face with the prince. He swallowed nervously at the fierce glare she stared into him.

"First things first, never yell at me. It gives me panic attacks. Secondly, sire, please refrain from acting as if you are a super human and have no weaknesses whatsoever. As a Joker, you should know you hold no power over me and your 'I'm actually strong' rants are very childish and extremely annoying. I can say that freely without being thrown into jail or hanged," The female Joker backed off and hovered in mid-air, lounging on an imaginary recliner, "'Cause no matter how strong you think you are, you won't be able to face Gloriana - not yet anyway."

Coming between an in shock Alfred (who was amazed that the girl was /flying/) and an upset Matthew, Arthur looked up at Kayla, "Excuse me, Miss Beaumont, but I think one of Matthew's questions does deserve answering. Why does he need protection from this Gloriana? What would she want with him?"

"Oh. /Oh/. You mean... the king didn't explain the prophecy already?" At the blank looks she received, Kayla let out an almost inaudible sigh, "Wow, he let you grow up all these years without telling you the truth of your future. I suppose, though, it's understandable, but still..."

"What prophecy?" Matthew muttered, cooling down a little.

"I assume you have heard of Nicodemus?"

"Oui, I've heard of him," The prince nodded, "He was a famous fortune teller, correct?"

"Correct. Well, after the kingdoms were originally formed, the brothers became worried that their sister would disrupt the newfound peace. They called upon Nicodemus to find out if the sister would ever become a threat to the four kingdoms. The prophecy goes as the following: 'The sister will not change in her lifetime. However, her descendant shall make a move against the peace. But never should you fear, for a boy will be born to the royal family of Hearts. He will be bearing a curse, which will only be marked by originally blue eyes that have been mixed with violet. He will bring the downfall of the Eagle kingdom when it has reached its height of power. But by the time that eternal peace has been reached, the curse will have completely taken over. Once the boy's eyes have turned completely violet, his mortal time in this world will have ended.'"

There was an eerie silence after the final word of explanation had been spoken. Matthew and Arthur both paled in realization, while a look of anger came over Alfred. The American glared fiercely at the Joker, "So Matthew is going to save the world, only to die immediately afterwards?"

"I'm sorry," Kayla apologized, genuinely looking as if she pitied Matthew, "But... yes. I'm so, so sorry."

"Well then," Three faces turned towards Matthew, whose voice had begun to waver, "Better make use of the time I have left."

"You don't have to put up with this Matthew! Just because someone predicted you would save the world, doesn't mean you have to go through with it!" Alfred spoke with a slight hint of desperation. He knew Matthew. Although his brother would never mention it, Matthew had a hero complex like him. Yes, he would admit it only to himself, but Alfred did know of his hero complex. But that's not the point. Knowing Matthew, kind and selfless Matthew, he knew that even if it meant killing himself in the process, he would do it. Anything to save another life. But Alfred didn't want to go through that again.

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