The Darkness that Binds

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Chapter Eight: The Darkness that Binds

"How in Captain America's name did you two get here?" America asked the nations in complete shock.

"That would be this idiota's fault," Romano jerked a thumb in the direction of a certain, ditzy Italian, "He found one of Britain's notes that apparently had some kind of teleportation spell on it... and he thought it was a brilliant idea to say the words aloud."

"Ve~ The words still don't make sense..." The northern half of Italy murmured and fingered an imaginary beard.

Romano rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Then we got lost after we ran into that replica of your brother, who told us to tell you that he had to leave town because of some evil queen of blackness and... yeah."

Alfred facepalmed. The Italy brothers weren't the brightest around, which was rather funny coming from him. They must have met Matthew in the forest and gotten lost God-knows-how... Probably had something to do with Italy thinking something resembled pasta and chased after it.

"Well, it's good that you found the hero, then!" America grinned, "I'll lead you back to Britain and he'll zap you back home!" He almost froze at how easily the words dripped from his lips. How long had it been since he had called himself that? How long had it been since he had called himself a hero?

The Italy brothers were obviously shocked by his enthusiasm, but didn't question it. "Ve, okay! Gratzie, America!" Italy smiled.


"Keep on holding that single shard and nothing more!"

"I d-don't think I can...!"

"Just focus, Matthew!"

Matthew stared intensely at the floating ice shard before him, which had been carefully formed by his magic. Salty, sticky sweat dripped slowly down his face with his eyebrows furrowed in a pensive frown. He had to concentrate so the shard wouldn't get bigger, smaller, or even multiply. Tristan had said it would help him control his abilities, but the seemingly simple task was proving to be very difficult. But, he told himself, he could do this. He was the Prince of Hearts! There was no possible way he would fail such a-



Matthew stared in dismay at the fragments of ice scattered on the floor. Of course, something had to go wrong. His breathing still labored, Matthew threw an irritated glance at Alfred. "What is it, Alfred?" He hissed. Alfred smirked and moved to the side, revealing the Italians behind him.

"Italy? Romano?" Arthur exclaimed in disbelief.

"You two again?" Matthew blinked in mild surprise, "I was starting to wonder what happened after you two left, as Arthur and Alfred didn't seemed to have ran into you."

Arthur blinked his emerald eyes in confusion, "You've already met them?"

"I met them while I was escaping the town. I asked them to send you and Alfred a message, but they obviously never made it to you."

"Ve~ We got lost!" Italy explained in that airy, loose tone of his. The group couldn't help but sweatdrop at that, but were silenced by Romano's glare which seemed to say, 'Say anything and you're dead!'

"Anyway," Romano growled, "We were hoping that Britain could teleport us back home. We only came here on accident and I left my tomatoes at home. Plus, that idiota Spain was supposed to visit. I don't want him messing up my house!" Before Britain could manage a reply, a scream and a crash echoed throughout the village. Tristan and Matthew were the first to respond as they burst out the door to view what was happening. They both paled at what they saw.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2013 ⏰

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